Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

(I am posting this as a reminder to myself as much as for anyone else.)  Lately it seems as though I have been caring for a lot of dogs.  They are different ages, different personalities, but coincidentally they have all been goldendoodles.

My parents were out of town and I took care of their 3 year old dog, Truffles.  My sister went on a romantic getaway and I kept her 2 goldendoodles (1 & 8 yrs old).  Some friends went to Disney and I kept their 1 yr old goldendoodle.  I am now taking care of a puppy.  Throughout these past months I have found myself REALLY irritated and frustrated with these dogs.  I find this feeling highly offensive as I love dogs and consider myself to be a better-than-average dog owner/handler/trainer.

The thing is, these are all really good dogs but I am used to my dogs and my life and my habits and my routine.  I have to remind myself to be patient and relax.  Don't take their behavior personally.  Appreciate the joy of the jumping, feel the love in the licking, hear the worry in the whining, even recognize the innocence of puppyhood in the piles and puddles. 

This is true for kids and dogs - most behaviors are not manipulative personal attacks.  They are just baby steps in growing up.  There will be more mistakes than victories, and I need to view those mistakes as a chance to help them learn.  Basically, I need to get over myself.  Put my schedule on the shelf and increase the flexibility of my goals.  Focus on relationship, commitment, and encouragement and I believe patience will be a natural result. 

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WoNderful thoughts!

Jennifer, it sounds like you would make a wonderful foster, lol! 

I too am challenged in the Patience Dept. :)

I hope all puppy owners will read your post, very good advice! 

Thanks for the encouragement!  I hope to foster at some time in the future but now isn't the time.  Between homeschooling 4 kids, volunteering for an orphan hosting program, teaching at a homeschool tutorial, and my 3 dogs, I don't have the emotional energy to commit to something else :-0

Wow !  Loved what you said!  Hugs to you and your doodles !  : )

Wow,  thanks for this post and your great advice!  It came at the perfect time for me as I am caring for my daughter's two rescue dogs who can be a challenge.  I am about at my wit's end today.... but after reading this......I am going to "get over myself" and relax into meeting their needs with patience and enjoy them unconditionally!!   

Sounds like a much deserved rant. The older I get the more I am challenged in the patience department and the less I put myself out there because I don't want to change my plans.  I am proud of you. I need to get over myself and relax and just enjoy.  I sure would love to see you foster - if you could fit it in.

Thanks!  I will foster in the future, but I'm stretched too thin at this time :-)

Wonderful thoughts, thanks for sharing them.

A great post. I sometimes care for a friends doodle. She is a great dog but much more needy than mine. They like her that way, but having her under foot at all times staring at me is a bit irritating to me. My lack of constant engagement is probably a bit irritating to her too lol.

First I must say you are an amazing daughter, sister, and friend.  I really believe "what goes around, comes around" so you are due for some wonderful things.  Your words are such perfect reminders of how important it is to keep our priorities in the right order.  Thanks for sharing.

Wonderful thoughts.  I am going to tuck this away for the next time I have a foster dog.

This is a nice reminder for all of us!



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