Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tonight I met another Dker for dinner who will remain nameless in case she wants to keep her dignity in tact..... After dinner we were in the mood to do something and since Pet Smart was right there we went in.. Remember I have lost a little of my hearing but even before that I have a tendency to talk loud... and I have PMS and the older I get with that the more lets say intense I can be....

So we were strolling around Pet Smart, I was spouting off all the approved snacks and treats for dogs they now carry.. just being my hyper self that I get in Pet Smart....... Then we came to where the Frontline is and well you know the really bad flea medications that I can't remember the name of if.. but had just read an article about it and how it was causing seizures in dogs...... Adams I want to say it was but I can't remember for sure

Anyway this new puppy owner was there and she had it in her hands.... you know PMS makes me feel like it is my job to save the dogs of the world, even if they don't need it, story to follow on that one.. So out of my mouth I blurt...."DON"T GET THAT YOUR DOG WILL GET SICK" It can cause seizures, death, and all kinds of bad things" The poor ladies eyes bugged out of her head, but I kept going on and on like I do when I have PMS , I mean need to save the world.. She seemed appreciative but asked about Frontline to which I approved... Geeze... I don' t know what it is with me I have n filter over my mouth when it comes to dogs.....

I just love them so much< I want them to be safe so I may have come on a little strong, sort of like the lady who when I was showing the person with me the new actually healthy food that Pet Smart was now carrying and as I was saying it I was interrupted by a lady saying yeah it is good but CHICKEN IS BAD< VERY BAD FOR DOGS.....they get allergic to it..I laughed because she was so abrupt about it, like she has been struggling for a while with her dog and dog food.. I was told I spoke to the poor new puppy mommy the same way... except louder because well I can't hear good.

So Me and PMS and Pet Smart not a good combo because I felt the need to police people and their choices....

Oh and the other day.. in my exuberance to save another dog...I could very well have been arrested for dog napping... I saw a dog on the side of the road and I promptly pulled over and called the dog to me.. "Come on baby want a treat??' I had it worked out in my head, how I was going to find this dogs owner too.. you know..except my dreams of being a hero were quickly dashed by the man yelling at me "hey what are you doing?? Thats my dog?????"

I quickly apologized and said I thought he was lost.. The guy was like Geeze" He was just going to the bathroom"

Yup I might be a little high strung lately..... ALmost dog napping, telling my local health food store if they didn't take down the chicken jerky from China I will never shop there again and speaking loudly and proudly at the poor new puppy mom that was about to by crap for her puppy..

Gracefulness .. oh where are you Grace????

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Sometimes I just have to tell myself, they are in the store, they are trying to buy dog food--at least they feed the dog!  

They are doing the best at what they do not know how to do  :)

So true! I am usually a nice person I swear!

That's so funny Jennifer but I know exactly what you mean.  When I'm in the pet store I have to button my lip when new owners are SOLD a huge bag of rubbish food or when they buy rawhide for their new puppy.  I almost feel it is my duty to educate them though my days of PMS are well past and so I'm guessing that I am (possibly) able to keep quiet (most) of the time.

Oh I do carry extra poo bags and hand them to irresponsible owners who just look at the poo and walk away.  I go up to them and say ' I think you need one of these'

the extra poo bags is a good idea. I haven't been to the park in weeks because it is a giant poo swamp. I don't understand why people can't just pick it up and throw it out. It's not hard and not doing so ruins things for everyone!!

OMD Rawhide... I'm like a rabid dog trying to stop people from buying that! I need to stay out of pet stores. 

Jennifer, you are hilarious!! I can only picture you going up and down the aisles of Pet Smart with a t-shirt that says "Dog Food Police Squad". Sometimes I get on my high horse when I get into conversations with people while out on walks or at the park. I have to remind myslef to put the filter on. It's only natural to want to help, but on the other hand, I hate it when people start giving me unsolcited advice, and my friend's with kids hate that sort of thing too. We have to remember we can't save them all, as much as we would like to.

I know if I could only keep my mouth shut... if only is the key word... Never, I was made fun of all through school, I never opened my mouth and teased back because I didn't want to hurt their feelings.. I was such a kind person. Then I got a dog, my pms got worse because I got older and now I ride a high horse under the guise of saving animals for the cruel effects of Purina dog food. LOL

I don't know where I get off sometimes..

Good One Laurie.

Funny stuff Jennifer. Thanks for the visuals.


I must confess...I am the DK friend that had dinner with Jenn...then went to Pet Smart...and it was an say the least!!  Lol...

We strolled the aisles...with Jenn Loudly reading the labels on the packages of treats...China!  China! China!  Bad! Bad! Bad!


Then we went to the food aisle...and continued there...(smile)

We were looking at the new and actually healthy food that Pet Smart is carrying now.

Jen was pulling bags of food off the shelf and reading the ingrediants...and we were talking about it.

A woman overhead us and said  Yes its good but  Don't Get The Chicken!!...Chicken Is Bad!....Very Bad!....Chicken Is Very Very Bad!!

We both just looked at her and smiled... 

Yes my friends...We Had Entered The Twilight Zone!   DaDa DaDa...DaDa Da Da

When we went to the aisle that had the flea and tick medications...there was a young woman standing there...a new pet owner...who wanted to know which brand to buy??

 Jennifer started pointing to brands of medication on the shelves...and telling the young woman... In A Very Loud Voice... Don't Buy That!....Your Dog Will  Die!...Dogs Get Seizures And Die From That!!  Go Home And Google It...You'll See!  Dogs Are Dying All The Time!!  Etc...Etc...Etc...  LOL..

I looked at this woman...and saw her face go from dark to pale ...her eyes bugged out...and she just stood there with the box in her hand...frozen!  The woman she was with... smiled and thanked us...and that seemed to "snap her friend out of her trance"!

We walked away...looking for new people to "Help" ..."Loudly"...with the added emotion of Jennifers "PMS"...

Yes my fellow DK'er's...the night was young...and We Were On A Roll!! to prolong our night of fun...with an iced latte and a dessert!

We laughed about the night....talked about all of the fun times we've had in the Many years that we've known one another....and.plotted and planned on what future adventures we will have!   (the DK cruiese is one of them)

Yes my friends...just another day in the life of the friendship of Susan and Jennifer...

To Be Continued...maybe next time with Brad...



I so wish that Susan was over exaggerating but she isn't... I did, I pointed to all the treats from China and did as she said, bad, bad bad, poison,

I was insane.....It isn't like Susan needed me to tell her what treats were good or bad.. she knows for herself.. but it was my job to critique the store, If I could have left little note cards of why it was bad tapped to the bags I would have but ..maybe some other time.....

I can't help but feel outraged...that they are allowed to sell this crap that could hurt our babies.. It boggles my mind.....anyway, I need to get my horse and drink some tea with calm herbs in it or something... LOL

We did have fun...didn't we Jenn?  Lol...

Alway Do...Don't We!!!!

Love you...

Hi, Jennifer!  It's great that you want to share your knowledge about healthy pet products and your love of dogs with the world.  Maybe your PMS just helps you EMPHASIZE the importance of taking good care of our pets.  And maybe your PMS helps you EXAGGERATE your passion!  Just think about how lucky you are that you found your passion.  Good for you!  When the pet stores start banning you from shopping there, then I would be concerned.  Otherwise, just be yourself!



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