Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Spent the night at an Emergency Vet Friday Night. Petie had a few seizures that lasted almost an hour. They kept getting progressively worse and had to take him when he started bending backwards and stiffining his muscles. It was very scary! We've never had any health problems with our past dogs and it was a real frightening night.They got it stopped and kept him for 2 days because they started him on Phenobarbitol. we have him home now, picked him up around noon today. He is much better, not seizing, but is very disoriented from the meds. They say he will be like this for a few days till his body gets used to the meds. I hope so, cause when he is walking and swaying sometimes it makes me think he's going to seize again. Don't mean to dump on all of you, Just needed to vent it....

Will keep updates posted.

Merry Christmas!


Petie and Bob

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:o( I hope the meds bring back some normalcy, I know you are worried. Good Luck Petie

So sorry! That must have been really scary for you. It would have been very scary for me and I'm a nurse! I am glad he was able to be home with his family for Christmas.


Vent away! It's horrible when our fur kids are sick. This is the place to come to when you need to vent.

I would fall apart (however briefly) if it was my pup.


Merry Christmas Bob! Petie suck up all the extra attention now.

Thanks! I can take care of humans but wish Petie could talk, even tho it seems like he want to sometimes! He's better today, 2 days worth of Phenobarbitol so far. Still shaky on his feet, I think it's from the med. but he wants to run and play and bark at the door when kids are outside playing, he wants to join them! We're calling Petie's vet tomorrow to get his opinion and set up an appointment for followup and blood work if needed. It seems like he's high all the time. Maybe he can get his med lowered a little. I'll keep the group up to date. Thank you ALL for the encouragement. Never had medical problems with any dogs we've had, so this is an eye opener!

Thanks again.

Petie & Bob

Pittsburgh, PA

We really do want to hear how Petie does on his medication and how you are feeling about this whole thing. Keep posting, please. 

I'm sorry to hear this Bob. We have a Seizure Disorder Grouphere on DK, where you can get lots of information and support from other doodle owners who have experience with seizures, meds, alternate treatments, etc.

I hope you and Petie have a peaceful night.

I am sorry to hear this but you have gotten good advice about the seizure group.

I didn't know they have a Seizure Disorder group but that sounds like a good idea for you.  I had a Golden who had some major seizures that scared us to death.  Fortunately, after he was put on Phenobarb, he never had another one.  Hopefully that will be the case for your little guy.  I will be thinking of you.

Sorry you're going through this. I hope the meds help!

Oh so sorry for this.  You must be very worried for poor Petie.  Hopefully you can get some answers and support from the seizure disorder group.

First time!

I am so sorry to hear about what happened.  I can also only imagine our scary it must have been for you.  Please know that you are not dumping.  This is one of the best places to arm yourself with information and to get support from fellow doodle people.  I hope that everyone can get some rest.  Thank you for sharing!  Merry Christmas to you and better health for Peti!

Please keep us updated on how it is going.

Oh, how scary this must have been for everyone. I am so sorry this happened to your sweet Petie. I hope he is soon feeling better. Please take care. This is exactly what DK is here help our Doodles and Doodle owners.



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