Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Vet said...he knows we are going through a trying time with Molly, and so understands.  Told me to call him on his cell if I am concerned about anything...anytime.  Great news our Molly does not have a bladder infection, we just have to adjust and work on her dosage, but not till next blood work analysis in a couple of weeks.  Blessing to have a vet and doodle friends that are so compassionate.  Thank you for understanding and all your wonderful messages.    People who own dogs are some of the most compassionate, loving people in the world.  I know where your hearts are.  Thanks!!!!!  

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That's good to know, you sound a little less stressed and I'm so glad to read this. Once the drug dosages are at the right levels all should be well...that's what I'm reading here and if so that is such good news. It will need some patience while all this settles but hopefully all will be well with Molly. I have a good feeling about this.

Thanks! Happy New Year!

Thank goodness there's no bladder will get through this.  I know it must seem so overwhelming right now.

I'm glad to hear that she doesn't have an infection. I hope you can relax a little now and have a peaceful evening. Happy New Year. :) 

Yay!  And your vet sounds wonderful!  Try to de-stress if you can - hopefully 2014 will be so much better!

That's wonderful news!  Hope Molly feels better soon!  2014 will be better for both of you!

That's great news! I hope that you'll be able to get some rest in between everything else going on in your life. When my friend's dog was in heat, she had her dog wear doggy diapers. Maybe that idea would work for Molly. Just a thought!

Good news!  Happy New Year!

This is great news and I hope an indicator that the year ahead will  be wonderful for both of you!

How are you and Molly doing???

Thank you for asking..We are doing ok.  Had to put in a special call to my vet since I have his personal cell number.  Too much prednisone and Molly has incontinence when she sleeps.  We have to titrate her down slowly. She goes in for another blood work on Friday and I plan to talk to the vet at that time.  I am so tired of hourly trips to the bathroom and more.  Molly is eating well and of course she has always been a real sweety.  Her eyes speak volumes.  Thanks again for your concern.   Just got through talking to Rae and she is sending me her former schedule with her Bella.  It is wonderful having someone to talk to and go to for advice that has gone through this.  Have a great evening.   Lizette, Molly, & Nestle send you big TX hugs

Hugs back from Libby Louise in NJ!  Keep us posted!



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