Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
When Quincy was 3-4 months, he started in on stealing pillows from the couch-so we put them all away. Then he started with the bedroom throw pillows (of which I have tons) so we kept him out of the bedrooms if unattended. He was fairly relentless and after sneaking into the guest and or my sons vacant room he found two "junk" pillows (prizes from a fair my son had won years ago). I was less attentive to taking those away. Eventually, they became "his" pillows and he loves to carry them around and shake them back and forth. We gradually put the couch pillows back and he mostly left those the bedroom ones alone. When he did'nt we would take the "good" pillow awy and give him a toy or "his" pillow. The other night he came downstairs with a bedroom pillow and before I noticed, he had a corner chewed off- this is a first with a throw pillow (although he destroyed his crate bedding a few months back). We took the bedroom pillow away, my husband put it on a chair in another room, and I re-directed with his toy. --well devil boy had it back 5 minutes later somewhat smugly chewing away at the stuffing. I was really surprised that he went after it after being told "no" and for taking it off the chair from another room.
Am I making a mistake by letting him have the "junk" pillows and expecting him to know which pillows are okay and which are off limits? My husband thinks so, but I think Q-boy is smart enough to know which are his and which are not. Funny thing is he doesn't chew holes in "his" pillows, he saves that for my expensive pillows that match the comforter and were given to me by my sister!
Should I throw out "his" pillows and ban him from having any at all?
I love love this picture, so angelic look at that halo,
Jane and Stella
I agree with what others have said about this being confusing for him. I would take away "his pillows" and make all pillows off limits. Try finding him a new toy can replace the pillow. You said he likes to shake them around so find something that is floppy that he can give a good shake. If he likes to lay on the pillows maybe find him a big stuffed toy.
Well my labradoodle doesnt look to much at the pillows, however, if she is play fighting with my son she goes for the pillows, there are quite a few holes in them, just bought new ones, dont thinks this is a good idea, she is not to much a dog that goes on furniture yet, but her toy of choice is shoes, she has destroyed many heels of my daughters and hides them in her bed thinking we will never find the pirates booty. lol I did try giving her some old shoes, but we dont even look twice, we want the ones we cannot have. Its funny by my uggs for walking her she loves, doesnt destroy always just lays on them in her bed humm strange lol Wish I could be more informative, I know alot of people of issues some funny some not, but I guess whatever works for you.
Well-by default the pillow is now gone. I was working up the courage to take it away but Quincy did it in himself. I came home last night to news from my husband about the demise of the favorite pillow. Quincy got a hole chewed in it and disemboweled it all over the living room floor. Before I got home, my husband had placed in on a shelf in the garage, waiting to be taken to the trash. Quincy came to greet me and then stared mournfully up at his favorite play toy. Gone, but not forgotten! Thanks everyone for the comments and advise! On to the next challenge!
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