Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Happy Friday everyone!  We will be taking a 15 minute flight on a small plane and will be taking our 19 month old doodle with us.  Gracie will be sitting on the floor right next to me.  Do you have any advise or experience with this?  Thank you.

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I take Lola on the 15 - 20 minute flights between Hyannis and Nantucket on a 10 seater plane.  She loves it and has no issues with it.  They don't really care where she is on the plane as long as she is not next to the pilot! - she especially loves looking out the window.  Here are a few pics from August.

Thanks so much, Lola looks so relaxed, she's adorable. This is the same flight we'll be taking in October. Nantucket seems to be a dog friendly place, may I ask what you enjoyed doing with Lola while on the island? We visit every year and we want Gracie to come too.

I may be going back to Nantucket the first weekend in October.  When are you going?

I stay at a friend's house in Madaket which is right near the beach and bays so we took long walks and Lola did some swimming in the bay.  Actually the first day we were there the ocean was so calm I took her in there with me but she definitely prefers fetching in the calmer waters of the bay.  We didn't go into town but Nantucket is very dog friendly and I'm sure a lot of stores allow them in but probably not the indoor restaurants.

Thank you. We will be going the last week of October for our anniversary. Plus we love to sit and watch the Halloween parade. You are very lucky to have a friend who lives in Madaket, love those sunsets! Have a great trip, maybe someday we could have a doodle romp on Nantucket!

Love that she looks out the window!  best seats in the plane! 

These pictures are adorable and she flies better than I do!  I'm a "white knuckle" flyer!  I hate it:(  She is a cutie!

Thanks - she is quite the traveler and I'm lucky all my friends welcome her into their homes!



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