Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I bought my F1B Goldendoodle two months ago. Not only have we had digestive issues from day one but he looks like a Golden Retriever with very little poodle and he sheds like crazy! Please, take me serious when I say, "like crazy". My daughter's allergies are going crazy and we have to take him back to the breeder. My concern is that we have already put $300.00 extra on top of the purchase price in two months on this precious dog to get his stomach issues resolved and I'm scared the breeder will not give him the proper food (Life's Abundance) and take his issues seriously. What are the chances of finding someone to buy him that will take care of him and not mind his shedding? He's our little man and letting him so is breaking our heart, My little girls have cried everyday along with myself. He is such a good dog and the smartest I've ever seen. I only paid $650.00 for the dog and she is offering me another from her next liter because of the trouble we've had with our doddle. I just don't know what to do. I lost my job last week so we ca';t afford to pay more than the $650.00 for another doddle. I know I sound like a sad case and I'm sorry for that but I'm very desperate for some advice.
We thought the same thing but he went on probiotics for 6 weeks and nothing changed until we got him off of diamond and the homecooked chicken and rice. So, whatever is in Life's Abundance works...LOL I'm scared to switch him at this point bc I know the new owners will probably do so....That is if she can find some new owners. I do have an off the wall question, by the looks of my doodles face, do you think that would change?? I spoke to a breeder in CA (I'm in VA) and sent her a picture and she said his face would never fill out like the "normal" doodle,
It's hard to tell from a small photo, but it does look like he has what is called an "open face", without the furnishings, and that usually doesn't change. There's a group here called "Where's the Poodle in my Doodle" and you'll see others with that look.
Did you meet your breeder and your dog's parents? Did you tell her what you wanted? Most experienced doodle breeders are pretty good at predicting coats and can tell pretty early when a dog is going to have a retrieverish face. At $650, it sounds like you may have gone through a broker or on-line site.
It sounds a little like your disappointment about your puppy's appearance may be influencing your decision, and I hope that's not true. Please ask yourself honestly, if you had a guarantee that his appearance would change into the type of doodle you like best, but he would still shed just the same, would you be more inclined to keep him?
Temperament is a thousand times more important than a fluffy face. Trust me on that. A smart, sweet, good dog is much easier to live with than an adorable demon over the course of a dog's lifetime.
Thre's nothing special in Life's Abundance, although it's a better quality than Diamond. But it's just dog food, nothing magical or medicinal in it. We have a lot of people in the Food group who went through many foods before they found one that worked for their puppy.
I also forgot to mention that I did tell the breeder what I wanted. I told her a tight curl, fluffy face and light to no shedding if possible. Chance's daddy is a Goldendoodle with tight curl and a full face. His mother is a standard poodle but two puppies from the liter Chance is from looks like black GR's. I'm not sure how that happened.
Thank you Willow for your comment. My four year old daughter is on medication for her allergies that makes her very difficult to handle. She says her head hurts everyday. The dog is spending more time outside right now because the weather has been pretty. We wanted tos ee if this would help her but it doesn't seem to be. The hairs are in our beds, my kids toys and on our counters. It's in rooms that he is not allowed in or around and all the vents have been shut off in the rooms. It's the light fluffy puppy hair so it is traveling fast. I just cannot believe how much this dog sheds. It is a massive amount. Karen, I wish you would not be so judgemental on me. I have been through hell with this dog. Up all night while he vomited, holding him while he cried because his stomach hurt so bad and missing work to take him to the vet every other week. We love Chance!!! But, my kids will always come before any animal. I asked about his face because a lady had mentioned possibly wanting him but not if his face will never change. As for the cost of the doodles, there are two more doddle breeders in my area and neither are over $800.00. That is just what the doodles sell for around her. I live in the country, these country people want boxers and hunting dogs. LOL
I am sorry you are having so much trouble with what should be a joy. I would just like to tell you that when Haley was a puppy he shed buckets full of the light fluffy puppy hair. It was everywhere - on the walls, cabinets, furniture, clothes. It drove me crazy. I combed and brushed him every day and the shedding never slowed down until he blew his puppy coat. Now he does shed but not much. I do comb him almost every day and a lot of hair comes out then but the shedding all over the house has slowed down considerably.
I'm just coming to this now and as a person who suffered very serious childhood allergies I can certainly sympathize on this aspect. It seems that the breeder you got this puppy from was not a good breeder. First off she didn't give you what you asked for and secondly she gave you a puppy with lots of health issues. It seems that you are definitely going to have to re-home him and the only question is whether this is to a rescue who (if they will take him) will have the best chance of finding a really good home or back to the breeder where you may or may not get either your money back or another puppy who in all probability will have other problems. You also don't know if you brought another (so called) non shedding dog into your household whether it would trigger allergies in your daughter. Sometimes it is not the hair that is the alergen but the dander.
So it seems you have a choice to make and if I were you I would contact the DRC or reputable rescue organization and see if they would take this puppy. If not then the breeder is the only other option. I would not personally take another puppy from that breeder and she may not give you your money back . There are no other options other than to keep him. Puppies who go onto Craigs List or other sales sites often end up in terrible places. You have come here for help and we all empathize with you in what is a dreadful position you find yourself in. We all wish for this puppy to find a good home and for you to find peace with this.
Thank you so much for your comment. I would never put him on Craigslist. I would find a way to keep him outside first. We live in a wooded area and our yard is a hill so it's almost impossible to do that, but before I let him go like that, I would make it work. My daughter has been around two other doodles for a long length of time and never any issues. Plus, when we went back to Oklahoma to visit my husband's family, his cousin brought a doodle over for the family reunion and my daughter rode him like a horse....LOL Never any issues at all. Also, my mom has a lab mutt and he sheds like crazy and that dog has never bothered my daughter. So, I'm not sure why this dog is even with him shedding. I will say his coat is really dry and brittle. He is also turning silver. You can’t see it in the picture but he has the markings on his face and legs already. However, he still sheds silver hair as well. Chance is only 14 weeks old, we picked him up at 7 weeks and this started around 9 weeks old.
The breeder is willing to give us our money back. I have stayed in contact with her the entire time and let her know almost everyday how he was doing. Especially when he was really sick with his stomach issues. She said she would have no problem finding him a home but I worry she won't tell them about his tummy. This dog is the most loving dog I have ever been around. He is so smart also. He was potty trained two weeks after we got him and ringing the doggy bell to go outside three days after we got that. He has never ran out of our yard and there are a ton of dogs near us. I'm just so heart broken right now. Honestly, he does not have the doodle look I wanted but there's no way you could not love this little man
We got our Murphy as a puppy from the DRC because he was given up by the owners due to serious allergies....and he doesn't shed at all. Non-shedding is not a guarantee that there will not be an allergic reaction.
True, very true but my daughter has been around non-shedding and sheding dogs and never had issues like we do tih him. I just don't understand it.
Thank you Joanne for your advice. The loss of money is not the issue as much as not having the money to replace him with another dog. The money that purchased this dog was my daughter's money. We told them if they wanted a dog, they had to be responsible and pay for the dog instead of buying a ton of junk that they didn't need or play with. So, they would take some birthday money, Christmas money and allowance money and save for this dog. My oldest daughter is eight years old and started saving when she was six. My youngest is four and started contributing about a year ago. They honestly saved every penny themselves except for $75.00 which we gave them. They want another dog and right now we can't afford to take that loss and come up with the money to purchase another. The breeder is willing to take him back and refund us or give us another dog. I just wanted to see if there was another alternative to this situation. Maybe I just worry too much. :(
I know this is heartbreaking for your family. But allergies are a terrible thing to live with. I'm allergic to both cats and dogs (never when I was younger so who new?) I'm very allergic to my cat and he's 14 so I am not about to give up now. My dogs don't seem to bother me but family dogs do? You just never know. So if you can't take that risk, maybe it's best to get the money back and give it back to your kids to save even more for one you can have better breeder guidance? Like where did your family get their doodles from? Could you go there? You could also keep in contact to know that she was rehomed? Whatever you decide it will be tough, I wish you luck.
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