Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So after loads of allergy tests it turns out Brinkley's itching issues are from poison ivy.  I know it's rare for dogs to get it-- but it is possible.  I've read lots on this now and it turns out that dogs that shed are less likely to have widespread break-outs because it sheds off of their fur before making contact.  Brinkley doesn't shed--at all-- therefor it can stay on the fur-- and then he can itch and spread it.  This makes sense to why the itching always starts on his paws and tummy and then it spreads.

Also, this all makes sense now as to why it started when Brinkley and I moved in with my parents.  Their neighborhood has a beautiful walking path through the woods... but this walking path is loaded with poison ivy.  I'm no nature guru, so until my mom showed me what poison ivy looked like a few days ago, I had no clue!  It turns out I've been letting Brinkley trek through patches and patches of poison ivy. My parent's house backs up to the path so I've got to keep him away from this stuff!! 

On another note, Brinkley is 3 1/2 and as some of you know, I've had quite the horrible time finding a groomer.  Every groomer I tried just shaved him even if he wasn't that matted.  I'd say don't shave him and then I'd show up to pick him up and he'd be bald.  I finally found a groomer that I love.  She took copious amounts of notes on what I wanted, how long I wanted him, how I wanted his paws and face to remain round-- and that I don't like him crated.  She didn't crate him once in the 5 hours he was there.  She said he was a gem.  When I showed up to pick him up, he was sleeping next to her as she groomed another dog.  I couldn't be more relieved.  Here's a picture of Brinkley freshly groomed from last week. 

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I'm glad you were able to find the cause of Brinkley's itching. Did he have skin testing done? 

he looks very cute!

Yep, he did. :)

Thank You for the info. I did not realize our pups could get poison ivy. And it explains why my boys tummy has stayed broken out.We have a lot of it here. 

I never realized it either!  Our house doesn't have any and he never itched before-- but I'm living with my parents for two years when my husband lives in New England as he goes to school.  He's been an itchy doodle since we came to live with them.  

I am so glad you figured out what was wrong.  Finding a groomer you are happy with can be a real problem.  I love my groomer; she tries so hard to please me.

Poor Brinkley.   We know what it is like because Harpo has had is several times (poison oak, not poison ivy) and is just getting over a case now.  He gets it first on his belly and armpits, then around his eyes and inside the ear flaps.  This is what helps him:  There is a decontaminant named Technu that was designed for nuclear decontamination.  They found it was great for other things like poison oak and poison ivy.  We buy it by the quart and you can get it at Costco or other drug stores.  You don't want to put it around his eyes but you can just rub it in for two minutes and then rinse it off with warm washcloths.  Harpo loves the treatment and will come lie on the couch while I put the warm washcloths on his belly and in his ears.  It seems to help.  We live in a rural area with lots of oak trees and that is where it grows (under the oak trees) so it is hard to keep the dogs out of it.  Groucho Too has never had it but his coat is thicker, but both my labradoodles would get it and have it several times each year.  I try to keep them on leash when we are in an area with the poison oak, but that is hard to do.  There is none around our house, but just take a walk anywhere and you can see it.  I used to be very allergic also (had it internally three times) but don't get it any more.  My husband gives the dogs a bath when we think they have been exposed, but Harpo has still gotten it.  Most people say that dogs can't get it, but believe me they can and do. 

Thanks!  That sounds like some serious stuff!! Nuclear decontamination?!?  I'll try anything to help him stop itching.  :(  We move back to our house in December-- but he'll still go to my parent's house often.  

That's interesting. I try to keep the dogs out of poison ivy so that I don't get it. Brinkley looks adorable.

Glad to hear you found the source of Brinkley's itching and found a groomer that does it the way you want it done.  Brinkley looks great. 

I am so happy for Brinkley and I love the cut.  And, thanks for the information about poison ivy.  

Our property is also covered in poison ivy.  I use Technu before I do any woods clearing since I am very sensitive to it.  I once got it between my calves- finally figured out that it was from our lab- she would get it on her coat and then when she would slink between by legs, pass it onto me.  It never bothered her. I am hoping Quincy is not sensitive to it!  

You can also use the Technu on tools and for washing clothes.  Anything that has touched the plant can pick up the oil and it is the oil that causes the reaction.  I have also gotten poison oak from the air when there was a fire and the plants have burned.  Couldn't believe that one, but it's true.   One side of my face and my arm had the poison oak and the pharmacist told me that a hillside with poison oak had burned and I was outside on my deck checking out where the fire was.



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