Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Max goes in tomorrow morning to be neutered, well I guess it's actually today looking at the time. I am really nervous. I've never been nervous with any of my animals in the past, but Max had a bad reaction to his vaccinations, I know that's totally unrelated to the neuter but I guess it just has me really worried. :(


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Thank you BG, I'm so tired I hardly slept at all last night, but he's pretty antsy right now, and when I take him outside he puts his cone in the snow and ends up with it full of snow, not sure how to stop that. :(

Ro I may send my dh out to get one of those doughnut things I saw, it looks much more comfortable than this cone, he really does hate it and he keeps running into everything, the walls, doors, poor guy. 

He's doing okay with the cone today. He still dislikes it but not as much. He hits everything with his cone though, and has a constant snow cone when he goes outside. He also keeps pushing everyone with his cone! He doesn't mean to but he just doesn't realize how wide it is. I am going to stick with the cone the vet gave me, because he does seem alright with it now, and they told me if he has it on and somehow managed to open the incision it wouldn't cost me anything to have them fix it. If he is not wearing their cone and somehow rips the stitches it could cost 300$ or more, so plastic cone it is for me.  They called him a high energy dog at the vet and I never really thought of him as that, but I see it now. It's been hard to keep him calm today, even with the pain meds. His incision looks really good though. They offered a laser treatment to help it heal faster and I'm so glad I said yes to that. It actually looks amazing for the second day. My ragdoll is terrified of the cone and has been hiding under the stairs all day. My other kitty is quite fascinated by it and keeps creeping up to Max when he's sleeping to check it out and usually she doesn't go near him and pretends he doesn't live here. He's a real smarty pants though. He wanted to chew his big bone, and figured out if he pushed it up against his blanket then slid it into the cone he could chew it. He doesn't really seem at all phased by the whole thing and I'm glad. 

I don't know why but the responses are all going out of order for me on this thread, very confusing. :(

Ro the girl at the vet said that sometimes with those ones the can still get to the incision, and I was worried about that, as he does seem to be trying to get at it a lot. 

Enzo has this one:  The Comfy way could she reach her incision{keyword}

Karen I would rather use that, but again I'm afraid of him somehow getting around it.

Deb I know they sell them at petsmart, our vet doesn't have that kind. 

Now that actually looks nice I didn't see anything like that only these

and they didn't look that great to me. 

I probably got ours at Petco.  But I see Amazon has them and you can have it in 2 days if you have Amazon Prime.

I don't have prime.

Max is going to have to be stuck with his plastic one, now I feel like a bad mom. I guess I should have thought about this before I got him neutered. :(

You are a good doodle mom! Don't worry about the plastic cone. One of our dogs had to wear one often and he could negotiate his way around really well. It sounds like your sweetie is already getting the hang of it. ;o)
If there is a "next time" for a cone, you'll be prepared. We can only do what we know to do. I hope Max's healing goes quickly.

Comfy Cone by Comfy Cone

that's from Deb, I know right? I have noticed that about quite a bit of stuff. Can't really order from though because they won't deliver in Canada.

I found a medium Comfy Cone at for $43.97.  Why the discrepancy I wonder.

Oops sorry Julie. I didn't realize you were in Canada.



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