Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, a friend of a friend came over with her two-year-old son.  The boy LOVES dogs, but eventually he started to play "scientist."  First, he walked over and dropped a big block on Porter's nose.  It made a horrible clunk noise and his mom put him in time out, and Porter walked over to me to get protection.

I really messed up, because after his time out, the boy came over and I didn't catch him/keep him from stepping on Porter.  Porter lashed out with a growl and a jump.  To be honest, I don't know if he tried to bite the boy, but the boy was not bitten.  (I hope that makes sense.)

After that, Porter was very skittish around the boy.  We did not let them really near each other, but Porter would growl and walk away when the boy was even in the same room.  Thankfully, they FINALLY went home.

So, today Porter growl/jumped in the same way around my neighbor's kid--who is five and who he has hung out with since he was four months old!  (We share backyards and our dogs and kids are "bff."

What should I do?  How to I rebuild Porter's trust in kids AND ensure that this defensive behavior does not escalate into something offensive.  I feel like such an idiot for not protecting him and for being confident that he would take that little tyke's abuse. :-(

My kids and the neighbors are 4, 4, 5, 7. 7. and 8.  I can't believe I forgot how different a two-year-old is.

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I haven't dealt with this problem but I would think you just need to show him that children in his life are a positive thing. Give the kids treats and have them toss them to him from a distance. They don't even need to pay him any attention, he just needs to recognize when they are around, good things come. Or, if he has a favorite toy or a yummy filled kong, let the kids be the ones to provide him with it or give it to him only when the kids are around. He will learn to associate the kids being around with treats and in time will become comfortable again. I just wouldn't force anything and let him come to them when he's ready.
Thank you for the advice.
Porter is a very sensitive/fearful dog and I have a feeling that he's going to be scared around small, active kids for a while, but Porter is food motivated so that does work in our favor. I also think I need to find a way to get him to leave the room and seek sanctuary when someone is around who he is uncomfortable with. He is so darned attached to me, he won't leave the room I am in, even if there is gasp! an unknown man in the room with me. Porter finds some men totally terrifying, even after he has gotten to know them. Others he warms up to after twenty seconds...
This weekend I was talking to a trainer about somewhat similar issues and one thing she mentioned is leaving a bag of treats in your mailbox or on your front porch when you know people are coming. If the people coming are okay with it, just have them grab some treats and when they come in, toss the treats in his general direction but don't make eye contact or say anything to him. Just toss them out and he may eventually work his way closer to people or at least realize that people coming over isn't bad.
Thanks for the tip. I'll try that with a certain contractor who causes him to submissively urinate quite a bit.
Aw, poor Noah. Yay for the older brother saying something to this kid. My 3 yr old niece bawls when I correct her, so it is always nice if her relatives are around to do it ;-) I swear I am not mean, but I suppose I have thick-skinned kids, and I have trouble using a soft tone when someone is using a ballpoint pen on my walls!
I think Porter is going to have to be re-sensitized to children, and I'd do it very carefully and watch his reaction closely. I'd start by not allowing him to be with young children at all unless you can closely supervise the interaction. I think you're going to have to carefully select the child (or children) that you begin the process with. They will need to be totally calm...nothing that he could construe as threatening moves. I would keep him on a lead and let the child begin to calmly play near him, with him observing. Then I think you can slowly begin the interaction with gentle petting and treat-giving. Again, I'd be watching all the signs very closely (ear position, tail position, vocalization). If he's calm and happy I'd give tons of praise and very special treats. I would do this several times with different children over several days. Little by little he should gain his confidence back. This may seem "over reactive", but I would be concerned enough to want to take a very controlled approach. Remember, after his experience he's probably scared to death of kids...and who could blame him.
Thank you for the advice. I am on the same wavelength as you are and do not think you are overreacting. Porter is going to be around kids for the rest of his life and kids are going to be wacky creatures for all eternity, so I need him to get to a good place with this. I need to give him a slow reintroduction to smaller kids, food praise, and a sense that he can get away and a sense that he cannot engage these creatures if they hurt him. Period. No sweat, right...ugh.
He's a smart dog though, the neighbor who he was suddenly spooky around yesterday, though not the youngest, is the one most likely to test boundaries (like try to ride a dog or spray them in the face with the hose). Porter had never been defensive around him before, but now that he realizes he is vulnerable, he knows which one is most likely to mess with him.
Thought I'd give an update. On Saturday, we had rambunctious kids over, one the same age as my youngest and one only 2.5. Porter avoided them a bit inside the house--basically realized he can't lie in the middle of the floor with these creature around--but he showed no weird jumpy-tense reactions.

And outside the house, everyone interacted normally, playing an going about their business.


This is especially good because Porter was injured/on a steroid shot, and he could have been anxious and protective of his injury.

I am still going to keep an eye on everyone when small/hit-y kids are near him, but I think we'll be okay.
Great to hear this news!
Yes, and I will be more aware of when Porter is getting crowded, I hope.
To get Porter to retreat to a specified location is actually quite simple (especially since he is food motivated). Decide where he safe place will be. Then with treats in hand, tell him something like "Lets go to your room" and direct him to the exact place (his bed, crate, or selected location). After a few times, change to "Go to your room" and direct as necessary for success. Then you will be able "send" him there when there during "situations". Soon he will realizes that "room" is his safe place.
Thank you for the training tips. I am going to try this. I am a little worried that Porter will just follow me back after gobbling up his treat :-)



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