Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm wondering if anyone out there has any input from experience on this. Our Gordon, 5 years old, had a seizure about a month ago. The vet did all the blood work and found nothing odd, so she said just to keep an eye on him and that if it kept up we might want to get a CT scan.

Since then, he hasn't been as lively as he used to be. Doesn't want to play ball (which he loved, previously). Then we noticed he seemed a little unsure on his feet - wasn't jumping quite as well - but this sort of came and went. He would have little bursts of energy and want to play tag, but they didn't last as long as they used to.

Then I woke up at 4:30 am to find him just staring at me today. I let him out and when he didn't come back in after a bit, I went outside and found him at the bottom of the stairs just looking up at me. They are shallow stone steps and there are only about 4 of them, so it isn't like he has to climb a ladder to get back into the house. He wouldn't come when I called him. I went down and doted on him a bit and then tried to get him moving back into the house again. Eventually, he just snapped to and went into the house.

All day he has been just laying down, and when he does walk he seems to be doing so gingerly. We couldn't coax him up on the bed. Sometimes when we talked to him he barely responded, and wouldn't go get the paper.(which he loves).

He will still eat a treat if you give it to him, so he isn't off his food. We called the vet and she confirmed they had run all the tests (except lyme disease, he is on preventative) and at this point it might be a brain tumor.

He's getting more alert as the day goes on, but he is definitely not right. All the nuerologist in our area are apparently on vacation - we finally got an appt. for a consult next Wed. but though we thought we had to get a CT, they implied the 3 hour away $3000 MRI was the better way to go if he needs a brainscan. I'm not sure what they do at the consult that would change what seems like a straight path to a CT or an MRI.

Does any of this sound familiar to anyone? Any input welcome, we're falling to pieces here. He is our baby.

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That does sound like lyme. And severe lyme can cause seizures.
More Lyme!
Thank you for all the wonderful wishes - I'm certainly hoping for the best!
It does sound like Lyme's. See if the vet can get you in now for the test and start him on the antibiotics as a precaution. He should be on them for about 21 days but rebounding happens after a day or two. I had two doodles test positive 2 years ago and I routinely have the blood test done now. I agree, jumping to the brain tumor diagnosis is odd, I would certainly blood test for Lyme's before going in the brain tumor direction.
I agree with Amanda that a specialist is the way to go, and that doing the testing really, really gives you peace of mind. Jack is under the care of a specialist for different issues, but just consulting with her the first time did so much to help me deal with his problems. It was the guessing and second-guessing that just added to the stress.
Although I hope & believe that Gordon's problems could be many things other than a brain tumor, it's pretty doubtful that these kinds of symptoms would have anything to do with cleaning products, lawn chemicals, etc. That doesn't mean it's something life-threatening, though. Whatever you do, don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure out if something you used or did caused this. It didn't.
General practice vets just cannot be experts in every field. In defense of your vet, some people do want to hear the worst case scenario...I'm one of them. And then if it turns out to be anything else, it comes as such a relief, but at least you are prepared.
Jackdoodle and I will be sending positive energy into the universe for you & Gordon. Please try not to worry. Hugs to you both.
Appt. at 1:40 to give blood and run the Lyme test (and any other test I can possible have them do...) I never thought I'd be so hopeful to find out my dog has lyme disease!
Good Luck at the vet. We are crossing our fingers for something simple and fixable quickly! Hugs and Doodle Kisses from Lucy and Sophie!
I'm sorry you are going through this. After reading about this myself recently my understanding was MRI is the only way to properly diagnose a brain tumor. CT is not useful. The only other way was to surgically biopsy the tumor.
Hoping you get some good news soon
Went to the vet and talked to a different one. They're running all the Lyme Disease issues but even if that comes back negative she seems 99% sure that he might have some hip issues setting in, which explains the lack of ball playing lately. Last night we were having him do his trick where he jumps into daddy's arms for a treat, and the strain probably inflamed his hip issue. So this morning he was acting sad and lethargic because he was sore. I gave him some aspirin and he perked up quite a bit. The vet said: If you hear hoofbeats, don't look for a zebra! The more common the problem the more likely that is the problem! I am so relieved! Thank you everyone for your ideas so I went to the vet for a second opinion!
Glad to hear it! Hip issues are no picnic, but they sure beat a brain tumor! Please keep us posted!
We will be waiting to hear the results! I am sure you feel a little relieved that this vet isn't saying the words brain tumor. If it is a hip issue, lets hope it isn't too serious.
I hope he starts to feel better. I agree with Karen - a hip issue isn't great, but it beats the heck out of a brain tumor.



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