Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Our Dexter is now 5 months old and 100% potty trained. We have a sliding back door that leads to an enclosed rocked area that is the potty area for both dogs. Dexter is 100% potty trained since that first week. He goes to the back door and lets out a couple of woofs to let us know he needs to go potty.
But now he is just doing it over and over and over and just standing out there. Of course, he loves being outside. For instance today, he was walked by 3 of us and then played with in the backyard for another half hour or so. He was exhausted.
Yet today as well as every other day, regardless of how much outside time he's had he is abusing the bark and let me out privilege.
If you ignore him, he barks LOUD and sometimes bangs his body against the door.
Any ideas ?
Have we created a monster by letting him tell us when he needs to go out?
We redirect but only lasts for a little while.
We even bought his this evening an antler from Petco. Of course, he has lot of toys and things to get food out of etc and we rotate those in and out so he never has one for too long.
Sometimes we all take this outside over and over as a good opportunity to initiate fetch, tug o war etc. He's happen to do something else but then in just a few minutes he is back to the door again. It's not all day behavior. I have found that after successive multiple trips he will then poop or pee ... kinda like he has one brewing and then gets sidetracked out there. LOL (sorry for the visual)
Have you had issues like this? Taking him out via leash every time isn't an option.
I don't know the weather in Klamath Falls right now or the safety of your yard. I know this is not everyone's opinion, but IF you have truly checked your yard for safety, have a lock on the gate, no wildlife dangers, and your weather temperature is not overly hot or cold or muddy etc., why couldn't he go outside for a while to enjoy the day? You could let him out and if he wants to stay for a while, with your checking on him, why not?
Yard does not have a dog safe fence for dogs either inside or outside. No money to do a new one, this one is fairly new. :( LOTS of theft and lost dogs in this town and this guy cost $1600, most of my savings. Can't take the chance of someone stealing him or him getting out. Trust me, he would not be brought back (he is chipped but lots of meth heads etc in town) We also have not so wild deer in our immediate neighbor, like 20 to 30. I do let him go out but only with my or a family member's supervision.
Here is the fence. Not that tall, more decorative than anything.
So, not a good suggestion at all!!! I would not want my precious babies to get out or stolen either no matter the cost.
Mmmmm, Baylor is doing the same thing, just hanging out. Both my Baylor and Louie have been acting a little odd lately, spring fever?? Nose in the air, spring in their step, and boys will be boys. I believe some female dog is in heat. She walks by with her chest out, tail swaying back and forth, how can they not go nuts :)
Here's what is helping so far but just started it today so ... Instead of letting him bark at the back door to let us know he's needs to potty, I stop the barking and immediately re-direct to a quick toy, trick, "oh look over here!". I mean just a minute or so. very quick. Then I all of a sudden suggest to him Hey, how about a potty break!!!?!? I then grab his favorite doggie treat and while he see's I have it we together go to the back door. As he goes out, I remind him I got a yummy when you get back! So far SO FAR... it is working very very well. It appears as if we are going out as MY IDEA not his and he has a visual reminder to get busy and come back for that yummy reward. Does this make sense?
Yes, it does.
Can't really do the leash thing. I have horrific allergies and some days I have no business going outdoors. That is why we have an enclosed rocked potty area for the dogs. It's the same thing we've had for a long time. The new routine I described above though is working outstanding, at least here on day 2. I seem to have interrupted the usual barking at the back door routine by shutting the gate to the room immediately by the potty door and then redirecting when he acts like he wants to go out closely followed by the OMG Dexter, I have the best idea! Let's go outside to potty!!!! I then have him see the treat all the way to the potty door and then scoot him out. He can still see me (glass door) so he's in a hurry to get business done so he can get that dang treat!!!
I think this is a great approach. He's not "demanding" to go out by the negative behavior...instead you are the leader deciding that it's time for him to go out.
Wow Theresa! Great idea!
I was so spoiled by our Golden Retriever. She was so easy to potty train, only had a few accidents. We get our Zoe Apr 23. She will have some big paws to fill. :)
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