Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is Dexter's saving grace, he is a total love bug and his sister LOVES him to pieces. This morning he is in the proverbial dog house again. After being outside 3 times, morning at 8, before breakfast and 9 and then again at 10 he walked into the living room, lifted his leg and peed on a toy. UGH!

We are clearly not doing something correctly. We tried doing what worked wonderfully with Daisy, treating and taking out constantly (see above) and he just does not seem to be getting it totally. All the accidents happen on our days home. in his crate During the week he holds it for 4 hours, gets a potty break and then 4 hours later we are home and gets a potty break. He was heavily treated in the beginning, he has been with us since January 1st. We tapered the treating because, well he seemed to start to understand. I feel like we must be missing signals but I don't know what they are.

I may try potty bells, anyone have good experience with this? If so please let me know how you go about it.

Dexter is going to be 8 months old on the 23rd, he did not have training like we gave Daisy from the start so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Luckily, for the most part "solid matter" accidents are better under control, though they do happen if we aren't diligent.

Suggestions please, my carpet cleaner is getting a workout.

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We are very pleased, and so is he with himself. He is so freaking cute!

WhooooooHooooo! awesome news!

Great news, wonderful!

Yay Dexter!
Glad to hear the news. That's the Calla technique that Dexter is using.

He is very smart, we were not! I knew it was us, Mike took a little longer to train then I thought. ha ha

We now have potty bells. Every time we go outside to POTTY we ring them. Not when we go outside to play. Maybe that will help....but as I said 0 incidents since the original post.

Hi, although I did not purchase a potty bell, I made my own for our goldendoodle Cooper and he was trained in a matter of 8 days. I actually would take his paw about a dozen times a day, ring the bell and say "outside" then take him out the same door where the bell was placed. I was simply amazed with the results, in just one week Cooper began to ring the bell on his own. Cooper is now 4 months old and he continues to ring the bell every time he needs to go to potty. Hope this helps!



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