Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is Dexter's saving grace, he is a total love bug and his sister LOVES him to pieces. This morning he is in the proverbial dog house again. After being outside 3 times, morning at 8, before breakfast and 9 and then again at 10 he walked into the living room, lifted his leg and peed on a toy. UGH!

We are clearly not doing something correctly. We tried doing what worked wonderfully with Daisy, treating and taking out constantly (see above) and he just does not seem to be getting it totally. All the accidents happen on our days home. in his crate During the week he holds it for 4 hours, gets a potty break and then 4 hours later we are home and gets a potty break. He was heavily treated in the beginning, he has been with us since January 1st. We tapered the treating because, well he seemed to start to understand. I feel like we must be missing signals but I don't know what they are.

I may try potty bells, anyone have good experience with this? If so please let me know how you go about it.

Dexter is going to be 8 months old on the 23rd, he did not have training like we gave Daisy from the start so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Luckily, for the most part "solid matter" accidents are better under control, though they do happen if we aren't diligent.

Suggestions please, my carpet cleaner is getting a workout.

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Leash him to you, that way you can keep an eye on him. He shouldn't have freedom around the house until he is reliably house trained. If you are able to focus on him 100% then go can go free in a limited area, otherwise keep him with you.

Ha ha, he is too big to leash to me....60lbs and goofy. I really think the missed signals are what's happening.

Am I making excuses for him already?!?!?!?!? LOL

How could you not make excuses for that adorable big mush? LOL

I agree with Stella.  

It is the only way. In the crate, out to potty, then play. Back in a crate if you are doing dishes, ect.

Use bells. It takes awhile but hopefully, he will be one that likes them.

Treat  him exactly like you would a puppy

I have no advice (my dogs are perfect), but wanted to say that picture is adorable. He will get it. I feel for you. 

Ha ha, I have one perfect doodle, 2 May be too much to ask for.
I think human error is a big factoid here, (mike's not mine). He admits missing signals, and I was just not fast enough a couple of times, the deed was done by the time I was ready to go.
I have been sick with asthma for six weeks and unable to be a big part of the training. I am feeling better so hopefully Dexter and I can work it out.
I think I may have given the impression that he is not good at all, he is very good most of the time, it's the out of the blue moments of rainfall sounds( yesterday) that throws us off.
I am going back to square one, we will work this out.
Thanks everyone for you advice.
Looks like you got great advice. Good luck.

Thanks F.


I have had two, 8 month old doodles who were not even started on potty training until they came to my home.

Both female. One female marked. Yes, a marking female.

But, we will ignore that for now.

Personally,  since he is pooping in the house, I dont think it is marking.  

Start from scratch. Just like a new puppy.  YES, use bells. Those will take awhile too.

In my opinion, it takes longer to potty train an 8 month old, than to potty train a baby.... Well, maybe not. It takes us 4-5 months to perfect potty training in a puppy, so expect that now too. 

Well, since the last post we have had 0 incidents. We are watching him like a hawk and he is even giving us signals. Last night he moved to the other side of the room and just stared at us. Up and out and he went potty. Back to happy dances and treats.

Keeping positive. Staying hopeful. Loving my Doodles!

This is very good news! 



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