Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey all-

I'm new here and am just looking for some advice/encouragement.  I got my precious Paisley in December from a great breeder.  Paisley has the BEST personality and is very smart.  She's in therapy dog training as we speak and the trainer cannot believe how well she is doing.  Now, I'm not one of those dog owners who is going to brag relentlessly about their perfect pet.  Here's my problem.

Paisley is almost 8 months old (on Thursday) and isn't housebroken yet.  Everyone I talk to tells me that their dogs were house trained at 3, 4, 5 months of age and haven't had a problem since.  My dog- another story. 

I'm fortunate- well blessed- because I get to take her to work with me every day.  I'm a school teacher and she's been socialized with the kids/school environment from day 3 with me so she can be an official working dog in a few short months. She's very spoiled in that way.  I do use a crate when I'm not going to be home and at work when there isn't anyone to be with her.  She hasn't had many number 1 accidents at school, but has them at home.  She hasn't had many number 2 accidents at home (only when sick), but does have them at school.

Her house training was going really well and we've taken many steps back recently.  She was spayed in March at 5 months of age and developed a UTI shortly after.  She was free and clear of that two weeks later.   Phew.  But since then, she's leaked urine a few times at night (I know it's not been intentional because she might have been sleeping in the bed with me).  I've also noticed that she's done it in her crate.   Then, tonight, she tinkled in the carpet.  She's not done that in well over a month.  I thought we were turning the corner.  The crate/bed leaking happens 1-2 times a week, always at home, never at school.  Also, weirdly enough, but her pee doesn't have a strong "urine" smell.  Sometimes I wonder if it's the remains of  a melted ice cube or a puddle from having a wet mouth, or wet hindquarters from chewing.  But then I realize I'm making excuses and I need to man up and admit, she's having problems.

Paisley typically goes out every 2-3 hours at home.  Sometimes it's longer, sometimes it's shorter.  Sometimes she gets a little distracted when doing her business- you know birds, other dogs, a blowing leaf- and after bringing her in, I have to take her back out. I've done the treat thing and praise.  I've also tried the bells.  When we were working with the bells, she looked at me like I was crazy.  They didn't work. I tried them consistently for 2 weeks to no avail.  She tells me she has to go by barking at me in a lovely high pitched yelp, and bringing me some sort of shoe (told ya she was smart).  When I say "potty", she jumps up and down like a baffoon, clearly indicating that she has to go. 

To make a long, and wordy, story short...Is this normal? Do I need to take her to the vet? I've got a great, but expensive, vet now.  She's wonderful but I've never left her office without paying at least 150 bucks.  As a teacher who's salary continues to dwindle, I don't want to take her to the vet at every little whim.  I'm so frustrated with the situation though. If you have any tidbits of advice, I'd so appreciate it. 

Paisley and E 

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Do a search and some reading on Spay Incontinence to see if you recognize these symptoms. There are many articles on the subject. Good Luck
Thank you both. I've talked about incontinence with my vet before and it resulted in a UTI test/diagnosis. Because she had her surgery 2 1/2 months ago, I think that incontinence could be the culprit. She's a healthy little bugger and I KNOW that she knows better. I guess at 1am, I was beyond frustrated and needed to vent.

Thank you!
I just wanted to comment about the bells. I tried training Rocky with bells for what seemed like FOREVER. He just wasn't getting it! So I left the bells hanging on the doorknob, and wouldn't you know it - he started using them. Months after I had given up! He now rings whenever he needs to go out. Moral of the story - don't give up on the bells. Or give up, but leave them there. Maybe she'll get it!

Sorry, I can't help you with the other. No experience with that.
That is great news of encouragement Sheila. Spud is bell trained and it is wonderful. He learned in a few short weeks so when we got Starlit I thought it would be a cinch. She knows what they mean, but she will NOT have anything to do with them. She knows the touch command and will ring them if I ask her to touch them.

Starlit JUMPS on me if she has to go out. It took so long to potty train her I have mixed emotions about telling her the off command for fear the shy girl will not let me know she has to go.

So, I won't give up the bell training. Some day she will surprise me. She has had a lot of good surprises lately. :)
I REALLY wanted to use the bells, so that bit of encouragement is helpful and VERY appreciated. Paisley is a working dog in training and I think they'd be helpful to have at school for her. She spends time in my classroom, the counselor's office, the front office area, etc..., so I thought having the bells would help her to alert when she has to go. Now that it's summertime and she's home with me all the time, maybe we'll be able to get that down before going back to school in August. So, they are back on the doorknob as I type this. Paisley never ceases to amaze me, so you never do know.

As I was re-reading my comment on the vet, I feel like my frustration came through loud and clear. Of COURSE I want Paisley to be healthy as can be and would never, ever skip the vet because of the costs. I took her on, knowing full well all my responsibilities. I just want to avoid visits that are unnecessary and not needed. I do have an appointment with my vet to get another round of vaccinations, so I will use that appt to ask about the incontinence. Poor baby. She's done really well the past couple of days (no accidents in her crate or at night). Woo hoo!

I'm so glad that good ole Google lead me to this site. It's so nice to have other people who love their doodle like I do. I might be partial, but Pais really is the best dog :)



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