Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have bells hanging from the back door and every time we go out I ring them and say "outside". When I've tried to get Boston to touch them himself he backs up about 4 feet from the door. I don't want to force anything.

Will it confuse him if I pull them off the door and put them on the floor for him to investigate?

For repetition once he's not scared anymore- can I have him touch the bells, go outside and then immediately come back in and do it again?

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We are bell training Quinn right now. We bring treats up to it and say bell and when she hits it we say outside. Its been 3 weeks and she's gone up to it a handful of times and gently touches it with her nose. We have to be good listeners to hear the gentle jingle. But for the most part its us leading her to it and going through the routine. Maybe leaving it on the door just so he gets use to it being there may ease his uncertainty. When we introduce Quinn to it she ignored it. Good luck!

Thanks:). I think I started the bells too soon. We'll try again in a few weeks.

Quinn is adorable BTW:)

thanks so much :)



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