Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our doodle woke us up three times last night to go out (never does this) and when she attempts to poop, she circles and squats numerous times. Her poo was really runny (sorry so gross!) and i came home to an accident, which never happens.

There hasn't been any major change in her food as of late, so i'm wondering if she may be having an issue with the Frontline? Has anyone else's doodle gotten diarrhea from Frontline plus? I just put in on her tuesday and this started yesterday.

Also, are there any good tips on what to switch her to if so, and what can i give her besides pepto and rice???

Becky & Savannah

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I haven't had problems with Frontline Plus. I'm sure you gave her the right dose but, I'll just say as a warning to others out there - double check the dosage. I've had numerous conversations with vet techs and pet store employees who have mentioned that some people, in a rush, pick up the wrong dosage for their pet's weight or pick up a feline package.

Canned Pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix) helps with loose stool too.

I've read over the net that shampooing a dog with dish soap (Dawn) helps remove the product - if you believe that is the culprit - it *may* help.

Please keep us updated. I hope your baby feels better soon. :)

We have used Frontline Plus for the last six months and have had no problems with changes in stool. Cali seems to take to it pretty well with no side effects. I hope your doodle feels better soon.
Yes the chemicals get into your dog's system and can cause stress in turn causing diarrhea. You can feed canned pumpkin to your dog to help. Pumpkin is pure fiber and will help firm up stool. Pepto coats the stomach and help heal ulcers, you can use both together. A bland diet of rice and chicken will help. You can also make rice water by using 4X's the amount of water you use when you make rice and over boil the rice to the point that it is very very soft. Strain out the rice using cheese cloth, reserve the water to give to your dog in place of her normal water.

Using all 3 is not a good idea however as you might plug her up
Thanks for all the tips. Vanny seems to be her old self today, and hasn't had any diarrhea! Thanks for responding to my post!

Not sure if you have tried Advantix. It actually kills some stuff Frontline doesn't. I have used both with no reaction, but like people every dog is different. You just can't give Advantix to cats, which I am sure you already know.
We applied the medication (Frontline) on Saturday afternoon and our Jamie started having watery stools by Sunday. She did go to the dog park for the first time on Friday (she might have been exposed to another dog's virus?) but I thought that the connection to the medication is probably stronger. Didn't have this reaction with Advantix a month ago. Wonder if it's the med or the dose - she was on the upper end of the weight scale for Advatix, lower end of the weight scale for the Frontline Plus.



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