Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do you carry anything to protect your dog and yourself when you walk?  The reason I am asking is that I have started taking Chewie for walks at a different park while my son has Tae Kwon Do class. A couple of times I have encountered irresponsible pet owners.  One owner had a large pit bull that she had her young child holding the leash and the dog almost got away from her.  Even when the owner grabbed the leash the dog was very strong and she had a hard time holding him back. Another time was just a dog that was not under the owners control.  Got me thinking what would I have done if we did get attacked?  I am a little afraid to take Chewie back.  Which kind of makes me mad that I am sacrificing our walks because of other people.

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I think of this quite frequently when even walking in our neighborhood. There are a couple homes that have dogs chained to doghouses (don't get me started on that) in their back yards. The dogs are barking and pulling on their chains as we walk by. I've often wondered what would happen if they break loose. What would I do. Then one street we walk is through the woods and I've often wondered what if we encountered a coyote or something like that. Hasn't happened, but no reason it couldn't.
Luca was once attacked by a neighborhood dog , who had become aggressive after the family got a second dog. Both were golden retrievers. Luca was playing on the neighbor's front lawn with the second dog when the first dog tore around the house and tried to bite him. The neighbor has an invisible fence and Luca ran off the property. Luckily the attacker did not. Luca's coat was quite long at the time and he was not hurt. Unfortunately, the first dog eventually did bite a friend of the neighbor's children and was put down. I don't know how I would have protected him. I do think Jane, that picking up your dog leaves you very vulnerable. The spray might work but for now I'll stick with caution.
My husband is a police officer so this comes up often in our daily life. Every single time I take Hunter for a walk I take with me three things that my husband insists that we have and know how to use.

First is pepper spray, and when you get your pepper spray make sure that you know how to use it, a whistle around your neck to call attention to yourself if you need help, and we also carry a short about 18" baton which was what my husband used to carry on his gun belt, now they have these things calls asp's. We carry the baton if you need to put something inbetween yourself, your dog and anything else, a barrier. If its another dog your arm won't get bit if you reach down. I also have on Hunter's harness a short handle like thing - I attached a photo of it - its easy to grab Hunter and keep her right at my side, I keep it on her even when she is running around a dog park.

People are so irresponsible in dog parks, letting their dogs loose while you are on a walk, etc. I personally absolutely do not hesitate to say something if I see a situation that could be harmful to myself, Hunter or anyone else around me.

I might sound over the top or look crazy but I would rather be safe than sorry, why give anyone or anything the upper hand?
I guess I have been lucky, I have never really had much trouble, but then my other dog is a Rottweiler. No need for the other person to know that Freya wouldn't do anything, when walking at night I act like Freya could/would be a threat to unwanted human interaction. Not possible to give that impression with a Doodle. I have had people at night move the other side of the street when they see us coming, fine with me.
Walking during the day is not bad; we have very strict leash laws were I live; so generally speaking most people do have their dogs under control. I am however, always on the look out for the owner that is too busy on the cell phone to pay attention what their dog is up to. I think the stick or baton is a good idea for use in keeping distance between you, your dog and some other dog or person.
I am more worried about being attacked by a bear or a cougar than by a dog or a person. I carry my hiking pole (which has a nasty spike at the end) and my cell phone and just hope I won't need to use either as a weapon ;)
I have been worried lately after I saw a coyote run past my house on a suburban street (but near a greenbelt area). Lately, I've been carrying a big stick on our walks, but the police baton sounds like an easier size.
It is easy because its just big enough, and has enough weight to it to be really effective.
Thanks everyone for your replies. I think I am going to get some pepper spray and possible the baton. Hopefully if I am prepared I won't ever need either!
Yes! I always carry pepper spray. It gives me peace of mind at least! Hopefully I'll never be in a situation to use it but I know how to.



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