Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Shadowfax is 9 years old and I want to introduce her to a labradoodle puppy in the house maybe in Dec.  How do i do it  and is it a good idea?

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We always let the 'new' dog sniff around the yard for 10 minutes or so alone then set our older dogs loose out there so they could meet.  Has worked fine for us.

Introductions are all about scent. If possible ,obtain a towel with the newbies scent on it and let the 9 yr old sniff/ become comfortable with the puppy's scent this way first. Then slow in the intros...never forcing the 2 together. The older dog will instinctively know the pup is a baby and most likely treat it as so. Never let the newbie feed out of the same bowl or around the area where the older dog is eating.

When I was getting my Oliver, the breeder let me bring Sasha each time I went for a visit.  When we went to pick up Oliver it was a 2.5 hour drive.  Of course we brought Sasha and they had time to get to know each other.  I had no issues what so ever.  My Sasha was very welcoming to Oliver.

Thank you everyone this helps so much.  Shadowfax is my baby and I don't want to do anything to make her feel bad about a new sister in the house.  She is my top prority and I would like her to welcome the new one. 



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