Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I have a 17 week old adorable Aussie Labradoodle who is going thru what I;m calling puppy colic .Every evening he gets really nippy and runs in circles around whoever is around and does some crazy barking.growling sound that he does not make the rest of the day. This lasts about 30-40 minutes and has been happening for about a month. It's almost like he's herding something but I don't think there is Australian Shepherd in him...just thought he was multigenerational from Tegan Park. Any helpful insight is appreciated! He's a great puppy the rest of the day, he just goes nuts every evening around the same time. Thanks for any info you may have!
"Aussiedoodles" are a different breed mix and a different kind of doodle than Australian Labradoodles, or ALDs. An "Aussiedoodle" is a mix of Australian Shepherd and Poodle. The ALDs, who did originate in Australia from Rutland Manor and Tegan Park, are multigenerational Labradoodles.
At any rate, what you are describing is known as "the zoomies", lol, and all puppies (and many adult dogs) get the zoomies, often at night. My miniature poodle did it at random times until she was well past 10 years old. It's just their way of letting off some excess energy. It's perfectly normal.
It can sometimes also be an indication that the puppy isn't getting enough full-out hard exercise during the day, but not always.
Yep, Australian Labradoodles are a mix of lab, poodle cocker spaniel, and in some lines Irish Water Spaniel. No herding dogs in there (supposedly) but my ALD does herd the cat unmercifully.
For the first 6 months, my doodle got the zoomies at 7 pm every night and they ended about 10 PM --so 30-40 minutes is good LOL. Tearing around through the house…jumping on anything in his path. At first, I thought he was possessed. Just burning off puppy energy. He'll still go outside every day and zoom like a crazy man in big circles for about 2 minutes. Then he sits down next to me, like "I'm done Mom" and we go for a walk :)
I haven't done the DNA testing on my ALD, but supposedly he is poodle, cocker spaniel, and puli. No lab in there. Then, I guess the two main breeders in Australia have started to add terrier to the mix. So who knows? They definitely do have a certain look and it is different from other doodles.
My doodle, over 5 years, still gets the Zoomies, or puppy colic as you describe. Thankfully,he no longer nips :) All puppies nip. It's an awful stage, that passes with maturity. It's nature.
Now, Spud just gets silly; steals socks and runs around, puppy barks, lays on the floor and does this strange... cant even describe. Honestly, it makes me smile. Then it's time for bed usually
Actually, Harpo loves to wrestle with a companion when he has the zoomies. Usually it is after his dinner and he just needs another good romp before going to bed. He is four years old, but still does it all the time and did with G.T. and now with Zeppo. No more nipping, however. I just say, "Ahh, ahh, outside", and send them out on the deck to do their wrestling.
Love the Aussiedoodles, Jennifer, and really thought that would be my next doodle. However, now I am thinking that a sheepadoodle will be my next. There is a breeder (who I love) in Washington who is working on this breed. They would definitely not be as smart as the Aussiedoodles, but I think I am up to the training. I have had a labradoodle, phantom goldendoodle, and an ALD (also multigenerational from TP). All great dogs. Currently I have a little rescue dog who we think is a Jackapoo (mix of Jack Russell and poodle). They all are challenges in their own way.
Thanks to everyone who commented on Farley's Zoomies! A term I've never heard before! I am glad to know I'm not
alone in this! I will try to tire him out more during the day and anxiously wait until the puppy phase goes away!
It's called The Zoomies (in our house) LOL
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