Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We brought Kraig home from the hospital Saturday. Racey had been at my in laws since Tuesday which she loves and we brought her home Saturday as well. She is very interested in Kraig and they've had some good interaction. Bc I had a c section we've been sleeping in the living room on the couches- we have 2 large sofas with recliners. Tracey has been sleeping on the sofa next to me and kraig each night.
The problem is her eating- she free feeds and has since she was a puppy. She is neither overweight nor underweight, so she can't stand to lose any. Since Saturday she has only eaten about a cup of food on her own. Dh just hand fed her another cup of food.
Any advice?
Oh and she has been getting walked at least 30 mins each day and her toys thrown in the house for her to retrieve per usual.
Congrats on your new baby!
Maybe she is just confused by the changes, and just needs a little time to adjust? Maybe the hand feeding is good for a little while because it could reassure her that she still has her place?
aww- no first hand experience, but my 2 cents is that your "first baby" Racey is just experiencing all the change and reacting in her own way. i would just hand feed her, coo to her what a good sister, and let her get used to the new baby. My best guess is that she is also reacting to so many significant changes in your home, and she is trying to fit in and figure it all out. Racey sounds like a good dood- I am sure some of the new Moms will give you better insight. Love that you have expanded your family! Of course, we would love pictures when you can manage!
What a great picture!!!! I'm sure Racey will eat once everything makes sense to him! So many changes, including sleeping arrangements! BTW, I love the name "Kraig"!
Beautiful!! Congratulations.
Gorgeous photo. Congratulations to you.
Awww, both these pictures are precious and congratulations on the birth of your beautful son!
Oh my gosh my heart just melts when I look at this sweet picture:)
Lots of huge, huge changes for Racey over just a few days. I think she'll get back to her usual eating habits once she has a little time to process everything and adjust to the new routines and her new "pack member". A few days of not eating much is not going to affect her health.
Agreed. My Chihuahua was really weird and off when we brought our baby home. My advice is to keep things as normal as you can. We actually put baby in her room on the first night - I crib. The dogs sleep with us (little one in bed, doodle on her bed on the floor in our room) - always have and always will. We also kept to their routine of feeding - we can't free feed though. So 7am and 6pm are their eating times and we just stuck with that, their walks, etc... Good luck and PM me if you need support.
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