My 10 wk old goldendoodle has quick, rapid respirations while in a deep nap sometimes. He does not pant however. We are visiting the vet for his first wellness check up tomorrow. Any ideas?
My puppy did the same thing and it did scare me, although she had an upper respritory infection at the time. She is healed, and still does this to some extent, I think it is just vet says she's very healthy:)
Sounds like he is just having puppy dreams! All my dogs do this, along with rolling eyes, jerks, and little whimpering barks. But to give yourself peace of mind check with your vet! He is a real cutie pie!!!
Both of my dogs still have similar episodes while they're asleep. I think they are just dreaming... spooked me at first, but vet says it's prefectly normal. If your pup is behaving and eating normally, he 's probably fine, but it doesn't hurt to ask you vet!