Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

F and Joanne posted a fun discussion recently (except for a very annoying spinning lady) and towards the end of the discussion, a couple of people started adding some riddles.  I thought it might be fun to make this a game, BUT the Honor System is involved. Please post your Riddle or Brain Teaser below in bold print. Let's all trying guessing the answer WITHOUT using our old pal, Google or any other helpful site. Let's try just using our own brainpower and see what happens. Good luck!!

What am I??

I am solid, but very soft. I am clear, but very colorful. What am I?

I will help you with the first one.......the answer is..........JELLY!

Now, for the next question.

No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.

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Yikes, what supplements are you on?


The letter "e"???

Yes, but Ricki beat you by a few seconds.You have to type faster:>)

Just so you don't think I'm copying - I must have posted just seconds after Ricki.  Honest, her answer wasn't there when I wrote mine!  :)

Sure we believe you Deanna! wink, wink!!

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right?


Well, it wasn't the one that I'm looking for but I will give you half credit. Not sure SOS is actually a word.

A term. 

Noon.  And I cheated

but I did not cheat on Toot. Which is another word



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