Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

F and Joanne posted a fun discussion recently (except for a very annoying spinning lady) and towards the end of the discussion, a couple of people started adding some riddles.  I thought it might be fun to make this a game, BUT the Honor System is involved. Please post your Riddle or Brain Teaser below in bold print. Let's all trying guessing the answer WITHOUT using our old pal, Google or any other helpful site. Let's try just using our own brainpower and see what happens. Good luck!!

What am I??

I am solid, but very soft. I am clear, but very colorful. What am I?

I will help you with the first one.......the answer is..........JELLY!

Now, for the next question.

No legs have I to dance,
No lungs have I to breathe,
No life have I to live or die
And yet I do all three.


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But it doesn't make real sense the way it was put, right?

No, it doesn't make sense - especially if you're left-brained!  :/

F knows a good brain surgeon if you want some help expanding your mind, Deanna. :)

I think I may just opt for a right hemispherectomy, as I clearly don't use that side of my brain anyway!

Well, they do hemispherectomies. I wouldn't recommend it just for disuse though, maybe it will atrophy.And I never said I know a good brain surgeon, just a brain surgeon but he's probably good : )

F no one wants to go to a brain surgeon, they want to go to a GOOD brain surgeon!  LOL

I hope so!

I don't know if this has been quessed yet but could the sport that begins with"t" be a sport that begins with a "tee"?

I think it could be golf.  My husband thought of this. We try to play golf but not very good.

Julie, you got it! It was answered before by Jane, Guinness and Murphy but tell your DH he gets a gold star!! LOL

What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?


Good job, F!!



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