Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I looked around for a post about a commercial repellant, but didnt find one...could be I'm not searching the right way...

DH and I are in West Glacier in our 5 th wheel... We'll be here until Sunday and then head to Banff/ Lake Louise. After a few days in Banff, we are on our way to Jasper. We have heard repeatedly, the mosquitoes ar a bumper crop.

Does anyone have knowledge of a commercial product that would be safe to apply ( initially, onto my hands/ then wiping on the doggies' coats) to our Doodles? I could look for oils to create something, but may not find everything available locally. Otherwise, any home remedy that would be effective using grocery store- type ingredients?

I'd really appreciate your input! Thanks!

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I've been researching this lately too. I'm currently experimenting with mint as I have an abundance in my garden and I see it touted as a mosquito repellent. Too soon for a report though.  Any herb or spice with a strong odor  apparently works to some degree. Vanilla, lavender, lemon, garlic, cinnamon,  etc. usually added to an oil for applicaton purposes. I don't think they last long though, maybe a couple of hours tops. Also I read that just oil in general is not liked by mosquitoes. They don't like having to penetrate it to reach your skin so olive oil or another type alone might help some. Sorry I have no actual experience to share yet.

Here is a nontoxic repellent but again it has strong scents in it including cedar.

And Bite Blocker which apparently has had some research and seems to be more affective then other safer products but still needs to be reapplied quite often.

  But you are probably not in a position to order anything right now anyhow. . :( I see that any product containing deet is not a good idea for use on dogs due to their licking it off.  That's about all I have. Good luck!

Thanks, Ricki! It's clear you have done a lot of research on this. I read that the California Baby product is sold at Target, so that may be a perfect solution! Thanks for your response!

In addition, in a sports shop I saw a spray-on product, for children, with lemon and cottonseed oil that sounds like it might be ok. I also found a deet-free towelette by BugBand that uses geraniol (geranium?) with soybean oil. Petco carries a Fly Free Zone Collar for pets that lists its ingredients as 54% citronella, 40% phenylethyl, and cottonseed oil. Haven't researched the phenyl-ethyl yet...

Will definitely stay away from Deet!

I was caught between not wanting mosquitoes to bite the doggies and wanting to use a product that won't be unsafe for them. Thanks, again, for your suggestions!

I know they are not natural products but in Florida we use dryer sheets or Skin So Soft...Just take the dryer sheet and rub it on their coat and it keeps the bugs away...and they smell good too...

Thanks for this tip, Elizabeth.  I will keep dryer sheets in my RV to use on the dogs when needed.

Wow! Simple solution! Don't have any Skin So Soft, but I can definitely give the dryer sheet idea a spin! Thanks, Elizabeth!



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