I came home from work today and Sophie was waiting for me to go out for a walk as usual. I went in the bedroom to change clothes and she followed me as usual. As I was changing she was dancing around impatiently waiting. Just then I noticed that she stumbled or her legs trembled or something out of the ordinary. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but she immediately went to her bed and laid down. I went over to her and she got back up and seemed fine. We started downstairs and she vomited just a little bit. I took her outside to go to the potty and she threw up a little more. I brought her back inside she drank some water. I went back upstairs to see if I could find evidence of any earlier episodes of vomiting or chewing or ingesting something dangerous. I use a gate on the stairway to keep her upstairs during the day. I always take a survey just before I leave to make sure there is nothing she can get to that would hurt her. I couldn't find evidence of any thing like that.. Then she threw up again but really a lot this time. Clear with some white stuff. I called the vet and he seems to think that she might have had a seizure That was a couple of hours ago and she is sort of low energy still. The vet said to wait at least an hour after her last vomiting episode before offering food. Oh she just threw up again - a little bit - mostly clear with some white stuff as before. The vet said he would call me back in a while to see how she is doing. I am scared.
Take her to the vet IMMEDIATELY.....Don't waste you time posting here in the forum looking for answers...Get her into the car and take her there NOW...