Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone.  Quick question I was hoping someone could help with.  Is there a way to search for posts within a particular group only?  For example, I wanted to find all posts within the "Grooming" group about "ears".  Also, once you have a page of search results (such as if you search "My Groups", for example), how do you navigate to the discussion that a particular comment in the search results comes from?  I can click on the search result and get to a list of comments in the group containing that particular comment, but not the full discussion.  I apologize in advance if this has been answered somewhere - I did search but could not find it.

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In the group you wish to search, go to the "Discussion" section. At the bottom right of that section, you will see the words "View All". If you click that, you will get a search box that will allow you search within the discussions in that group. You will get a list of comments, but clicking any of them will take you to that particular discussion.

Here's the results of the search I did for "ears" in the Grooming Group discussions. It's a pretty broad subject so there are a lot of results, but it may help you get an idea of  how to search a group:

Jay, I think you have to go to the Grooming Group and scroll down to where you see View all and click on that link and then enter what you are searching for in the white box. You could enter Ears and all the ear discussions should come up. To get to the actual discussion just click on the underscored discussions in blue font that peak your interest. Try it and see if this make sense?

Got it - thank you everyone!  "View All" was the step I was missing.

Anytime you click on a comment or reply within a discussion you will get taken to the full discussion, it just may take you some scrolling (up) to get to the start of the discussion or scrolling down to find the page numbers to help you get to the first page of a discussion.

Thank you Adina - I figured it out now.

Once you are in the group and do the search you will see many results, but the key is to look at the title of the discussion so you don't keep opening and reading  the same discussion over and over and over again (I learned that one that hard way).  



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