Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So I just got my little Sweet Olive last Wednesday... I know it's only been a few days, but I'm worried about her developing separation anxiety. She and I have already gotten so attached (which I LOVE), but I cannot be with her all the time because of work. I think that she just cries for hours when I crate her while I'm gone. I come home at lunch every day, but she is a hysterical whenever I come home. I can hear her outside before I even walk in the door.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help with this issue? ANY suggestions would be appreciated.
Do you think she just hears your car or the garage door or something that clues her in that you are near? I hope she is not crying the whole time and honestly, I doubt it.
When Quincy was a puppy he had to be next to me all the time, including the bathroom. He would sit outside the shower door and once it steamed over, he would whimper. He adjusted, although he still likes to come in with me and wait outside the shower!
Good luck. I am sure others will give you good advise.
I agree with this. She hears you way before you hear her, and the crying probably starts then. She is probably quiet most of the time you're gone.
Sleep in a T-shirt that you don't care about, lol, and leave it unwashed in her crate with her. That may help comfort her. My guy was 14 months old when I adopted him, and didn't cry or panic when I left, but it comforted him to have something that smelled like me while I was at work. And maybe leave the TV on, or some music.
I agree. Leave music/sound machine/something on when you are gone. We did that with Peri and it helped. They get used to it.
does she have a snuggle puppy? It has the heartbeat to replicate her Mother! You might also try leaving her for just shorter periods of time and coming right back to reassure her that you will be back. Slowly make the return time longer. Do you turn off the lights? What about trying to cover her crate with a blanket? Most dogs just sleep while the owner is away. Maybe leave some low music playing. Not sure how old she is, but if she is just 8 weeks, you might be leaving her a little too long. Rule of thumb for bladder on puppies is 1 hour for each month old they are, plus 1 hour. So at 8 weeks she should be able to hold it 3 hours max. Maybe she has been asleep while you were gone but is trying to let someone know she needs to go potty. Is there anyone that could come in and take her out while you are at work? Just trying to think of all the puppy things I've heard here over the years. I haven't personally had the anxiety issue so don't know if any of these will work. Hopefully others will give you come suggestions.
Thankfully, Tara didn't have anxiety problems. But one time I wanted to see what she did when she was left alone so I used my regular digital camera to video her while was gone. I can't remember right now how long the video lasted but it was enough for me to see that she was calm and playing with her toys and mostly sleeping. It was an inexpensive nanny cam. LOL You could try something like that or get a nanny cam to see what she is doing after she realizes you are gone and not coming back for a while. She may relax and sleep until she hears your car pull in but it would be nice to know for certain.
I agree with all the comments. I'd also add to make the "coming and going" very matter of fact. Don't say goodbye. Put her in the crate, close the door and walk out without a word. Do the same when you come home....walk to the crate without saying a word, wait until she's quiet (at this age for just a second or two) and then open the door. Put her leash on and take her to potty, avoiding any greeting until you come back in. She needs to see that coming and going are no big deal. I love the idea of running the video cam so you can actually see how long it's taking for her to settle. Try not to worry...she's a baby and will learn.
I use a smart phone App to watch dogs. The App was only $4.99. There are different prices and many less expensive. The App is motion sensitive so if the dog moves, a text is sent to your phone at which time you can click that on and begin watching and hearing all that is going on in the home. If you don't have a camera attached to your PC, you can purchase one for as low as $22.99. So for less than $30.00 you also have a home security device.
Most dogs settle down after you leave in just a few moments. They throw a fit or bark in disagreement, but after you are gone, they give up quickly and settle.
How long do you work? If she is a tiny puppy, she needs to be let out many times during the day. Can someone help you? Come to your home and let her out to potty?
As she gets older, a good doggie daycare would be ideal for you.
The icam app saves the files. If you cant watch them at work, you can watch them when you get home. Otherwise, you see instantly what is going on if you want. I can't remember if they have sound when you get home though? These are over a year old from a foster I was checking for separation anxiety and trustworthiness left alone without a crate.
When we used to leave Teddy in the morning, I would fill a Kong puppy ball with his food and throw it into his pen right as I was leaving. A frozen kong would work too. Then he was distracted by the food and by the time he finished it I was gone. I sneaked back to the front door a few times and listened to be sure he was quiet - he was! Still, it took him a long time before he could keep himself from barking when I came home. He would start barking when he heard the garage door open. The interesting thing is that while he was quiet and fine while I was gone, he hated being separated from me when I was in another room of the house and could not be kept in the pen when I was home. I think he understood the difference of me being gone from the house (garage door opening and closing) vs. being in another room of the house.
Frozen kongs worked very well for Seamus. I filled it with turkey and smeared it with peanut butter and placed in freezer overnight. Our trainer said to make the kong better, stronger and last longer! I placed it on Seamus's bed (ideally he should be hungry!) and walked out of the fuss, no goodbyes. This has worked like magic for us. It also helps if your dog is tired, has been walked and is feeling calm. I also leave NPR on;-)
All great ideas... THANK YOU! I will look into all of these things. Whenever I leave, I put on the TV and then I also make sure she has some good toys. I've got one of those puppy kongs - need to play with that again.
Thanks again!
My puppy hates being alone, too. I downloaded a free EasyRecorder app on my phone and left it behind so I could hear if she cried the whole time I was gone. Yep. She took a few breaks, but she was clearly upset for the 2-3 hours I'd be away. Putting toys or peanut butter filled kongs or bully sticks in her crate didn't help - she would ignore everything until I got home and then start playing/chewing.
I tried everything. I bought (and returned) a Thundershirt. I made my leaving/returning as blase as possible. I left the TV on. I wore her out with a long walk before I left. I followed the rules in The Dog Listener. Nothing worked. I'd get home and she'd be hysterical.
I stopped leaving her in the kennel and started leaving her in the kitchen (blocked off) and she does much better there. She still doesn't like being alone, she still won't play with any of the toys or eat any of the chews while I am gone (i really think I could leave a steak on the floor and she wouldn't touch it), but she doesn't cry nonstop.
So I don't really have a good answer for you, but you are not alone!
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