Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You all are the experts here, and many of you have become good Doodle friends.


Penny the WonderDog will turn six in a couple of weeks (yikes!).  She's the joy of our lives. We both work from home and she's been around one of us almost constantly since Day One. 


I have often wondered in the past whether it would be good to add another doodle to the family, so that she has a companion.  Now, a doodle puppy has caught our attention (and a little bit of our hearts) and we've been talking about adopting her.


We go back and forth between giving Penny a doodle buddy, and worrying that it might change the wonderful dynamic that we have with Penny now.  Would we just be setting ourselves up for trouble by adding another dog?  We're not worried about the training, as we're both home all the time.  It's the "relationship" stuff that we're thinking about.


If you've added a doodle (especially a PUPPY), how has it worked for you?  Problems?  Challenges?  Are we just out of our minds for thinking of doing this?


I'll attach a picture of Penny (love that she is) and the puppy.


Love you guys,



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Gabriella is adorable.  I think for a couple adding a second dog isn't really a big deal.  It just means there is one for each of you.  I think when you exceed the # of dogs per people the dynamic can change a little bit, but that still doesn't mean it won't work.  For us it works perfect.  We each have a doodle where ever we go.  However, when we have a foster making it 3 dogs for us, things get a little more complicated.  As for the dynamic of adding a dog to Penny's environment, I think that every dog is different and you won't really know until you do it just what effect it will have on Penny.  You just have to decide if you want to take the chance.

I agree.  DH and I already decided we are not ready for the number of dogs to exceed us. Same goes for our plan for kids.  But we shall see - plans fly out the window at times.... :) :) :)


I think you have your answer Michele.  Taquito and Peri played for about 30 minutes last night (remember, T is a chihuahua so a doodle would be an even better playmate for Miss P) and it makes me so happy.  They have the best time.

I wish I could see those guys playing - must be a real crack-up!
Thanks for the support!  I figure "hey, I walk one every day.  What's one more leash, eventually.  And I pick up poop everyday - just an extra bag each time."  I would definitely stop at two, however.  LOL  I'm very close to doing it!
A draw back:  walking two dogs in the rain while trying to hold umbrella.  Ugh. Just did that here.....
Haha!  At least we don't have snow or ice in Arizona...
Hey Allyson .... come on ...... two dogs, left hand, umbrella in right hand.  Now if you gotta pick up poo you then have a problem!
I have to pick up poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get a brace coupler for your leash, it works well, as long as one will stop while the other pees/poops. LOL

We had 2 dogs for 10 years, got Webster because our 1st dog was 15 and aging quickly, and our 2nd dog had a tumor.  Webster seemed to "revive" our original 2 and they lasted an additional 6 months and I learned that we are definitely not at 3 dog family :-) 

Webster was an "only dog" and I REALLY enjoyed that. We got Charlotte for several reasons and she is a joy, however, sometimes I miss being a 1 dog family.  With 1 dog you can easily integrate him into family activities - he just joins the fun.  With 2 dogs, everything is more of an ordeal.  At heart, I think I am a 1 dog person but I love Charlotte dearly and wouldn't trade her for anything.

On the flip side, it is very nice having a canine companion for Webster and he and Charlotte are devoted to each other, but I can't do as much with him as I used too and I feel guilty if I just take 1 dog somewhere.  A 2nd dog will learn a lot from the older dog (good and bad) and the older dog will enjoy being a kid again.  As someone else has said, just make sure the dog is for your family because Penny doesn't know what she is (or isn't) missing.  She'll be happy either way!


Jennifer, thank you for the honest input!  I know Penny will be fine by herself (and we'll be fine with just her!), now just weight the options of more joy vs. the practicalities.  We don't take Penny to a lot of places that we go (the mall, etc.), so I don't things would change in that way much.  I think you're right, though - she'll be happy either way!
Just 1 more thing - adding a 2nd dog when your first one is 6 is probably a great time to add another dog.  I had always thought we'd end up with 2 goldendoodles but thought it would be when Webster was older (4-6) that way I could fully enjoy my boy as a puppy and adult and be ready for another puppy.  As I said, I'm thrilled with Charlotte but since we'd had 2 dogs for so long, I really enjoyed the one dog time.  I don't want to discourage you from getting a puppy - if you're feeling the craving for a little "puppy love", then go for it!



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