Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday CoCo came home from the vets after having been given her last portion of the Lyme inoculation and the first part of her kennel cough shot...she progressed to almost becoming completely immobile and whimpering when she had to move...we were not sure what to do with her...luckily her breeder answered my question give her a small dose of Benadryl which helped her immensely. It was too late at night to call the vet so this advice was extremely helpful. I did put the question on this website but couldn't find any area that pertained to pain from I guess that I entered on the blog section which isn't where I should have entered this...sorry.

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I hope CoCo is feeling better today. So sorry this happened to her.
I am sorry this happened to little CoCo! One of our previous dogs had quite a severe reaction to  the Lyme vaccine. She was in pain and had a very difficult time walking. She also got severe diarrhea. I'm glad you were able to get a quick answer from your breeder. It was very frightening for us as I'm sure it was for you as well! Needless to say, that was the last time she received that vaccine. :(

Is she feeling fine today?  My chihuahua has had issues like that after vaccinations - it is pitiful!

Sounds like her breeder was very helpful :)

Hoping to hear that Coco is doing well now. Sounds very scary!

This hasn't happened to our doodle, fortunately, but our cat has had reactions to vaccines ever since he was a kitten.  Now, no matter what booster he's getting, the vet gives him a prophylactic shot of Benadryl about a half an hour before administering the shot.  It really seems to help.


Poor CoCo-Myla had the same thing happen with the lyme shot, she yelped when we touched her and wimpered a lot also. It went away after a couple of days.

It has taken me a long time to read this because as you know I am coming up on giving Jack his shots and it is killing me. Scientifically, I know without a doubt, he needs to be protected, just hearing stuff like this makes me heart sick....


Hope CoCo is feeling better. I once heard you can ask to have them premedicated with a steroid shot before they are given that particular vaccine if they are known to have trouble with shots, My friend did that with her little Medium doodle and it helped him a lot. Maybe something to keep in mind for next time


Jack is sending get well licks for CoCo

I really hope she is feeling better, poor thing.  I am glad the Benadryl helped, I am going to keep that one in the back of my mind.  I always have Hunter get each shot 2 weeks from the last.  I am a little over the top on vaccines for her and my kids.  I have a very close friend who has a son that is Autistic and there is nothing that will convince me that it wasn't his 15 month MMR vaccine that caused it.  So after seeing that I get overly cautious.  These doodles are like kids to us, of course I would use the same logic. LOL



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