Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Before I post a picture...which may be a long time because I can't bring myself to take one......does anyone have a picture of a doodle with SHAVED ears and tail???????

I can beat any groomer horror story you've got....promise!  I am so angry I can't begin to put into words what I am feeling without using numerous expletives.  Murphy had some matting on his tail and coat.  He swims quite a bit and they get worse everytime he gets in the water.  He went to the groomer today and I knew she would need to do some repair work on the ears and take his tail down very short.  I was worried about the tail but had accepted it.  I went to pick him up and he is cut exactly like a Schnauzer.  She shaved his ears and tail along with the rest of his body.  Not only are they shaved they are all choppy with some long pieces here and there.  It is the most awful thing I have ever seen.

Did I mention that my sweet Murphy now has SHAVED EARS and Tail??????

All I can do is cry.

I don't want to post a picture because it is so awful.......everyone here is so supportive and I know you would feel like being kind but it is impossible.  There is no way this can be fixed and there isn't a liar on the earth good enough to be kind about it.

I have never seen a doodle with shaved ears....have you?  Anyone?  Got a picture?

I am going to go back to crying and drinking now. 

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Here is a picture of my last foster Chelsea.  They had to shave her all the way down to the skin and then left a puff of hair at the end of her tail.  It does grow back, but that probably isn't very comforting right now.

She looks sooooooooo much better than Murphy!  Murphy has a big poof on the top of his head and still has his beard......just like a schnauzer.   Maybe I should have the face and head poof shaved off too?
All I can say is I'm must feel awful.  It will grow back though, and Murphy will be as handsome as ever!  Keep your chin up.
Thank you Jane.  His daddy is being way better about this than I DH keeps telling him how handsome he is (big fat liar)....maybe cause my husband is bald too!  Doodle 2 was born last night and it has more hair than Murph!

Ronna, I've always thought your Murphy was one of the most handsome Doods ever.  I just took a trip down memory lane looking at all of his pictures.  This one is my just doesn't get any cuter.  So, just keep remembering won't be long.

I thought doodle #2 was being born on the 26th!  I had it marked on my calendar to send you a message.  Well, congratulations :-)  Now, as for Murph.  I say drink lots of wine.  I am not going to tell you that he looks adorable.  I say, cut the muzzle to try to match the picture of Murph that Jane posted in black and white.  There is just too much difference between his body and his face so it looks unbalanced.  You can count on me to be brutally honest :-)  That tail is really sad.  So sorry Ronna, I know I would be upset.  He will be nice and cool and ready for the water though!  We need to have another play date.

Linda, I was actually going  to send you a text with a picture of him right after I picked him up but it was way to soon for your honesty!!!!  LOL.  Yep, dood #2 came yesterday...9 babes, 7 red and 2 apricot.  One of those red darlings is mine:)  Teresa sent me updates,photos and videos the whole day...I felt like I was right there with them while they were being born.  Absolutely amazing.

Yes, playdate soon.  as long as Webber and Seda are kind about the haircut :)


They will love Murphy no matter what!  I think as soon as you trim his beard up he will look great. It's got me thinking about shaving Webber down.  Murph's hair looks like it would be so much easier.

Nine babies!!  I can't wait to see them on her website.  How wonderful!!

Oh Nooooooooooo. Jacks twin!!!!! I am so sorry, Hair will grow back, in a few short weeks, honestly it will, Thank you God it is just hair and not cancer, not heart disease and not hit by a car... He is healthy, loved no matter how he looks and in a few weeks it will be better.


Now I would for sure shave his poof. What the heck were they thinking.. I hope you did better then me the last time I got Jack groomed and didn't pay for it.. I started grooming Jack myself about six or so months ago and I have been very happy. Not perfect but no horrible disasters. I know a few times I picked Jack up and when I saw him I remember praying that that wasn't my dog, staring at Jack and wondering if that was really him.. I am just sorry.


Congrats on your puppy, focus on what is important.... all might wanna sit for this....
Murphy is still cute no matter how bad the haircut.  I think it would help to balance the ears if you shortened the top and beard.
Yup, good idea.  He's still a cutie.



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