Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Annie was 14 weeks yesterday and is an F1.

When will I know if she is going to be a shedder?  So far she is not shedding at all. She is beautifully sticking out everywhere with very little curl.


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Most F1s shed, but it really depends on which genes dominate. Every doodle is different!!. My F1 LD has a straighter coat and sheds, but nowhere near as much as a lab! Adrianne's Samantha looks exactly like my boy and doesn't shed at all. Generally, the curlier the coat the less shedding, but not always!! Most doodles go through several cost changes before they get their actual adult coat, and may go through phases where they shed more or less!!

I agree with Stella.  Somewhere between 9 months and 1 year, she will start to get her adult coat and that is usually when a matting problem arises.  If they are non-shedding, the hair needs to be brushed daily to remove the puppy coat.  Neither of my ALDs shed, but I often wonder if coat maintenance is easier if the doodle is a shedder or light shedder.  BTW - your Annie is a cutie!  Love her wispy hair on her head.  

We always say it either falls out (sheds) or you better brush it out or you will have mats.

I have one of each - one wavy light shedder and one curly non-shedder. I personally don't think I would ever chose a non-shedder again. I'd rather vacuum more often than do all the work it takes to keep the curly non-shedding coat looking nice!!

Thank you for the info...and I love her hair!!!

My F1 shedder shed pretty  much right away.  The back of his crate would fill with orange hair puffs...

I had a golden retriever shedding is not unknown to

She is not shedding in the crate at all.  I actually prefer the scruffy look over the curly if she has that and worries!!!

Thank you all.



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