Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Oh my, all the things I have to adjust now that we are getting a puppy. I need experienced Doodle owners to help me on this one. We have scheduled a week long vacation at a cabin/home in Arnold, CA in early August. For those who don't know it is in central eastern CA and there is a lake. Not Lake Tahoe, but you get the idea. 


My doodle will be approximately 10 weeks old at this time. The owners of the vacation house are ok with us bringing the puppy. But these are my concerns...


1) By changing our scene so early, will that be disruptive or stressful for our puppy's routine?


2) If there is a lake, and he hasn't had a lepto shot, I need to keep him away from the water right?


3) This is a vacation home so I don't think there are dogs here on a regular basis, but how dangerous will it be to have the puppy playing on the grounds?


4) Will none of this matter because he will be hanging out in the crate most of the time still?


5) Am I nuts? 


Obviously we got this vacation planned before the idea of a puppy came. I'm not sure how much of this is a judgement call or cut and dry I need to cancel. Doesn't really matter. Puppy is priority #1. Just need some backup either way.



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I would definitely bring the puppy.  If not you will worry about him the whole time you are gone.  I think the puppy would have a blast and when he needs a nap you can put him in the crate and just hang out with the family.  Have fun......
Don't cancel your plans.  You pup is a part of the family and I like my dogs and kids getting used to "go with the flow" from the start!  Let him run around and explore with you and your family.  The best puppy is a tired puppy!!!  Just watch him the way you normally would and have a blast! Outdoor activity by a lake is what my doodle lives for!  And, you are not nuts - just a new doodle mom!!!
I would not cancel my family's vacation.  I would either find a dogsitter I trusted OR take puppy with me.  Perhaps talk to your vet about the risks of lake swimming.  You certainly can't hide out in your home for 2 months keeping puppy in a bubble.
And by the way, I was JUST like you about Rosco.  I worried over what my roommate might 'track in' from wherever she went during the day, what her boyfriend might track in when he visited, if I should make everyone take off their shoes and bleach the floors or WHAT?  But most likely if you use basic precautions, stay out of dog infested areas and follow your vet's advice you should be fine.
10 weeks old seems a little young to me. Is it possible to postpone your trip for another month or so. I would wait until he is fully vaccinated and more adjusted to his new life. But that's just me...
I say go and take the puppy. You cannot protect them from everything and I bet you will all have a great time.
Go!  It will be a little nuts with the potty training, but you'll do fine.  It will be fun.  BRING CRATE
Go, take your puppy, new situations make good socialization opportunities for puppies and he'll be fine as long as he is with his family.

Make memories with the kids and puppy together.  It may be a little more work, but at least you will not be worrying about puppy the whole time.  It will be the first for lots of things, so take lots of pictures to share. 

I had to take an unexpected trip from TN to Mich when Charlotte was only 9 wks weeks old.  I hadn't planned to take my new puppy on a trip, but I certainly wasn't going to leave her.  She did great, it was a nice time to bond, and we had numerous opportunities for socialization.  I think your pup will be fine - he'll sleep lots, spend time with the family, and you'll have adorable pictures and memories.
TAKE THE PUPPY! And, the crate.  Have a wonderful time.

Thank you for so many quick replies! Ok, vacation is on. As long as I know that I am not walking into a situation foolishly then I am good. I will check with the vet about the lake. And I will be packing the whole crate and the poochie bells to boot!


Are puppies still going out to potty every hour at this age or does that slow down?




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