Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
First, I have to say sorry for coming when I need you all most and not coming like I used to but "I need you most right now"
Daisy is now 8 years old. We took the two of them for their annual Vet "everything" visit.
We pointed out a teeny tiny little bump Mike felt on the middle of Dexter's back, Doc took a scraping, looked at the cells and said, thought they are not normal they don't look scary, best to send off to Pathologist, Pathologist thinks removal is best due to the type of tumor (tumor, I thought it was a bump, a cyst, a mole) that it would be best to take it out. Okay, doing that.
Then we moved on to Daisy's Senior (really? she's 8, she is my baby not a Senior but I digress) Blood panel. It came back with "slightly" elevated Liver enzymes, REALLY what exactly does "slightly" mean. OH NO, why, what caused this, she is fine, she doesn't show any symptoms of anything whanky. I am terrified. Liver problems have destroyed two very loved, very cared for, dogs in my recent past. I just can't handle it. Doc says, not to put the cart before the horse and let's this approach (because she is otherwise a very healthy girl with no issues like not eating, drinking, lethargic, not playing), we can start by giving her Milk thistle (silymarin) supplement for 30 days, recheck the blood and see if it brings down the level.
Does anyone else have a doodle with any such ailment, I feel so helpless. :-(
I'll forgive you for not posting this in the Health & Medical Group, since you've been away so long you've probably forgotten the lay of the land around here, lol.
I know all about elevated liver enzymes. JD's alkaline phosphatase was elevated for years, ever since he went on prednisone for his IBD. And I mean, elevated. Four times the upper limits of normal. It had no effect on him, really. And his IMS always said that until it gets close to 4 figures (!!!!!!), she usually doesn't worry either. So relax about that. The silymarin does help. Do you know what her number was and which enzyme is elevated? I can tell you how "slight" it is, if so.
As for Mr. Dexter, just because the word "tumor" was used, that doesn;t mean anything. Many if not most tumors are benign. These fatty lipomas that so many of our doodles have, which are perfectly harmless, are tumors. At some point or another, every one of my dogs has had some weird little growth that was removed, and every time the biopsy came back fine. The location of Dexter's tumor is a positive thing, most of the bad kinds of tumors I know of are not on their backs. :)
So relax, they are both going to be fine.
Happy Tears.
Thank you for forgiving my ignorance on where to post, ha ha
The tumor or Dexter's back is not soft, it is hard like a mole. We were concerned that the groomer would nick it off.
I do not know number or the enzyme it is but will find out on Saturday when we go to pick up the supplement and get Dex's blood work done. I wonder if the Prednisone drops in Daisy's eye has anything to do with it? It is so little. I will then find out how good PP truly is :-)
Jack had a growth like you are describing on his lower back, just above his tail. Benign. It did turn out to be some kind of weird mole.
My Poodle also had something like that on her shoulder. Benign. :)
Charlie has a small hard lump on his neck/shoulder. It’s gets a scab- perhaps from grooming but I really don’t know. Once it seemed to go away, but it’s back. It seems more like a skin tag to me. It is white like his skin.
Clancy had a softer growth on his ear that we were ready to get checked out. It was pink an mushy. Oddly, it burst - I think with the ‘help’ from a dog tooth at playtime. We cleaned it. It scabbed over including dried blood making it look larger and yuckier. Once that scab was ready to fall off and we were able to really wash the area again, the whole thing had disappeared. It hasn’t returned.
Not that either of these ‘bumps’ is Dexter’s bump, but they are examples of perfectly fine skin whatevers that can occur.
From your description, I'm pretty sure Clancy's was a sebaceous cyst. My Poodle had one that resolved exactly the way you describe.
Gross at one point and yet totally gone with no scar. Thanks Karen.
Vern had elevated liver enzymes last year and they resolved itself. I can't remember the exact details (Old age) but he was not feeling well...also had a UTI...and blood work was done. I guess ignorance is bliss, because no one seemed overly concerned and he got over it. Both my dogs have those lumps and bumps and again, the vet never seems that concerned when I point them out. Vern did have one that was removed, mainly because it was bothering him and that was fine. I know it is so hard not to worry, but until the vet said differently, it could be so many other things. I am with Karen...I think they will be fine.
Hi Laurie, do you happen to know if it was the ALT enzyme, I am told it makes a difference.
Lisa, I don't remember. I am sorry :(
I would definitely repeat Daisy's blood tests in a month's time to check that her liver enzymes have returned to a normal level. If they are normal in 30 days, fine. But if not, you will want to figure out what's going on. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal and you will not need to worry any more -- same for Dexter's bump.
Yes that is the plan, a supplement and recheck in 30 days.
Thank you.
Murphy went for his 8 year annual physical a couple weeks ago, and we had the same exact result with the elevated liver enzymes, and he is also now on the Milk thistle for 60 days and then a repeat blood test. His enzymes were slightly elevated last year, but they are now worse. Last year we did an abdominal ultrasound, and that came back fine. We will repeat it again in two months if the Milk Thistle doesn't improve things. Murph had been on steroids for a while due to his IBD, but he's been off of them now for months, so my vet doesn't think that could be the cause of the deterioration. I'm really not going to panic at this point. We've been through so much with Murphy and he has always come through it with good care, so I'm staying hopeful that in two months we'll see better results. I'm so hopeful that Daisy does well on the med and that you see lots of improvement on her next test.
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