Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I took Ayla to the vet the other day and was given meds & canned ID food . She had eaten some bad mud a week ago. She is getting me up at 1am, 3am- so at 3:30am I feed her to get her to sleep!  Anyone gone through this?  

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Aimee, I had a problem with Vern and posted several discussions about it. He was getting us up at least three times a night and he did not even eat any bad mud....LOL. He wanted to go out, smell the air, lay outside, chew his bone, and eat...every night. My DH and I looked like we had recently had a baby. We were exhausted. Finally, I stopped keeping him in our room at night and allowed him complete access at night and he now sleeps in his crate in the foyer. He crates himself. In the morning, I can see that he has gotten all of his bones and half his toys out, but he does not chew anything bad or wake us up anymore at night. It worked for us. I think maybe Ayla is hungrier after probably having an upset stomach for a few days and can't last all night. Just my opinion. Once she is completely back to normal and on her own food, I bet she will go back to sleeping all night. Good luck!

Not really but the dogs are like alarm clocks, it doesn't matter if it's the weekend we get up the same time! I feel for you.

Sorry she isn't feeling good Could be the meds too. Good luck.



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