Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This week I've been horribly sick, still am. Last night while in a sick daze on the couch, Joplin went up to my bedroom alone, which she's never done and went through the trash. At first glance it just look like a big mess, but I just knew some things were missing.... Sure enough 30 mins later she was heaving and it was breaking my heart. She eventually threw up a panty liner, sorry this is yuck.... :( By then end of the night around her was 7 Q Tips and 5 liners. Ughhhh my poor baby!! :( I feel like such a horrible mom! :( She seems fine this morning, should I feed her as usual.. do I need to take her to the vet? So thankful all of this junk came up, but heartbroken I didn't stop her from getting in there.. so shocked as she's never gone in there before. :(

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It's always amazing what these doddlles will eat, hopefully she has thrown everything up. There is a discussion on here somewhere that suggests giving them peroxide to make them throw up, I don't know the amounts but I'm sure someone else could help you. I would be inclined to try and make her throw up again just to be sure. I'm no expert and someone else may have better advice. Don't beat yourself up, doodles are always doing something they haven't done before, I think it's their way to tell us not to get too complacent. When you are up and feeling better maybe you can go shopping for covered garbage cans. Feel better soon and we'll think positive thoughts that Joplin wiil be fine. Having said all that if you want to take her to the vet for your own peace of mind it would be better than worrying for days. Doodle Hugs to both you and Joplin.
I'm so sorry that you've been sick...hope you're doing better today. If it was me I would call the Vet to let her know what happened and see if there's anything I should be doing. For me that would just ease my mind. I'm hoping the worst is over, and you have a much better day!
Joplin--Shame on you. You sound like a Dog!

My Crystal Ball sees for your future:

* Chicken Soup--for your Mom
* New Trash Cans and Lids
* A nice new Chew Toy or 3 for you.

Hope you both are healthier today. Call the vet just to be sure you are on the safe side or watch for symptoms of obstruction--obstruction symptoms may take a few days to show up.
Unfortunately, I can relate! I'm sitting here writing from my bed on the couch, where I've been sleeping ever since Luxie came home from surgery for the removal of two socks and an intestinal obstruction. When Luxie was little, the vet had me give her 1-2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting, but that was ONLY because I had JUST seen her eat a sock. You don't want to make them vomit if it has moved past the stomach.The dose of hydrogen peroxide was based on her weight, so you may want to get the correct dose from your vet (for next time). Luxie started having dry heaves non stop the day after she ate the socks, and was acting very uncomfortable and hot. You could tell something was really wrong. I hope Joplin got everything out herself and is feeling better. I would probably check in with your vet, just to be sure.
I hate socks! There should be law that says if you are a dog owner you must never own another pair. Cathy and Luxie I hope you get better real soon too.
My concern would be that there are still absorbent items inside her that did not come up. Unless you know exactly how many of what were in the trash and can account for them all, I would be at the vet's office or at least place a call.
Covered trash cans are one solution, but there's an easier one...all bedrooms and bathrooms have doors that close. Keep the doors closed and you won't even have to think about it.
I hope Joplin will be just fine.
I was at the Vet once with Allie for a routine visit and there was a dog there who swallowed a tampon three days prior. He wasn't eating or drinking, and weird fluids were coming out of his mouth. I will never forget that, and I'm not sure of the outcome. I would get Joplin to the Vet for a "just in case" visit.
UPDATE: She kept down all of her meals and water, seems to be acting normal. Being that I'm sick, she's been just lounging next to me which though isn't her normal behavior, she'd been so sweetly doing the days before (I think she knows I'm not well). Went #2 a couple of times yesterday, so I'm just going to continue to watch for anything out of the ordinary. Things are looking good for now! Thank God!
This is great news....hope you start feeling better.
Good so far. Hope you both are better real soon and enjoy the weekend
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