Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Misty, who will be 6 months old tomorrow, was spayed on March 9th and she hasn't been herself since. She went in at 40 lbs. and she's already down to 35 lbs. She's lethargic and throwing up (not as much now, as before) She also isn't eating her dog food at all. She'll eat other stuff we give her, but sometimes she even refuses steak. She hasn't had a bowel movement since Monday (4 days ago). The vet has been monitoring her and he's giving her shots of antibiotic every 2 days. I'm starting to wonder if she has some sort of allergic reaction to the antibiotic. I'm so worried about her. Has anyone dealt with this, in the past, with their baby girl? I just want to see her get excited about something.

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Wow, I am sorry to hear that Misty isn't doing so well. Our little girl Dezzie, whom is also 6 months, was spayed about 3 weeks ago, but never had any problems. As a matter of fact, I don't even think she knew she had been spayed, other than post anesthesia lethargy.

Did Misty get the traditional spay or Lazer? If she got the lazer, you may want to question the vet and see if by chance they accidently lazered part of her bowel, or if a traditional surgery, they could have lacerated something. Everything is so close together, it is really possible he nicked something. Has the vet done any rectal exam to see if she has occult blood? Has he checked her CBC to see what her white and red count is. If she has occult blood in her stool and her hemoglobin is down that would explain the lethargy. Is she drinking? They may need to do IV hydration. I would really demand further testing be done to find the problem. I am a RN and it is really odd for her to have this 2 weeks post op, . If she poops, take a sample to the vet and demand a occult blood test on it. You cant always see blood in the stool, but sometimes it will have a really odd odor and it will look tarry (black). At the least for now, if he hasn't done blood work, have it done right away. It will tell all. Let me know if you have any questions. I hope she gets well soon! Terri
The times that Misty did poop, it was very small amounts and it was tarry and dark. As I was reading your reply, she threw up again. She is drinking, though and has no problem with urination. The thought did come to me, that something may have happened during surgery. It was a traditional spay. The vet has not done any tests. I was trusting him, but I don't see any change in her. I appreciate the information. I'm considering bringing her somewhere else.
Hi Karen, I am so sorry that Misty is not recovering like she should from her spay. there is no way she should be having effects from the surgery this long afterwards. I am a nurse and it sounds to me like she has a bowel obstruction and your vet needs to do an ultrasound and check out her bowel. She should not be throwing up and she should be moving her bowels . Something is wrong. Insist that he checks out her bowel. Please keep us informed. {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} for you and Misty.
I don't have experience with spaying but, I want to wish you and Misty hugs and good health.

I agree with the others. I would have the vet give her a thorough evaluation even if it means bringing her somewhere else.

Sounds like you got a bunch of us nurses responding! I agree with Terry and Karen, it could either be a perforated bowel or an obstructed bowel, both of which are very serious concerns. I don't necessarily think it's a reaction to the antibiotics. It could also be an ileus, which is when some of the bowel deosn't "wake up" after anesthesia. Definitely run a CBC, and if that is normal, then an ultrasound. If her WBC is high, then that means there is some kind of infection. A perforated bowel would cause peritonitis, which is an infection in the abdomen. You're right, 2 weeks out from a spay, she should not be having these kinds of problems. After just going through Parvo with my little girl, I know how helpless it feels! (on a good note, it doesn't sound like Parvo!) Please keep us posted on her progress and give her lots of love!
No nurse - just a concerned DM. Plese keep us posted on how she is doing. If yu vet doesn't do further testing, I would find another right away. He should not be complacent - it is too long for these issues to be occuring. I was lucky that Samantha had no reaction to her spaying - please push your vet to do further testing.
I am so sorry to hear about Misty, I agree I would take her to the vet or another vet, as this is not what should be happening to her..I do hope all will turn out fine for Misty and of course you too....please keep us posted.
Karen, I am not a nurse either but still am really concerned about the things you describe. I feel sorry for poor little Misty and I definitely would let her being checked again. To me it also sounds like a perforated bowel (without having medical knowledge but known from own experience).
If you don't trust your vet completely anymore ask your friends if they can recommend another one and see the vet a.s.a.p.
Keep us posted and get well soon Misty.
Doodlehugs from Benny and Zoe
I'm bringing her to the vet tomorrow morning. He wants to give her another antibiotic injection. I've decided to say no to that and insist on the bloodwork. There is an animal hospital not too far from us. My husband and I both decided, if he doesn't do something to figure this out and correct it, we will bring her their.

Misty just made me very happy. She just had a huge burst of energy, playing with my daughter, who just came home from school. I had to tell her to calm her down, because she was jumping so much. Now if I can just get her to eat, poop and not throw-up.

I will definitely be putting my foot down with the vet, though. I needed the feed-back. It's been much appreciated.
I'm not a nurse but after reading all the nurse comments I'd get Misty to another vet or are you close to an emergency vet hospital? Please keep us informed. Hugs and well wishes for you & Misty.
Karen you are in NJ and in Lyndhurst they have a wonderful top of the line emergency vet the web site is or e-mail Phone #201-438-7122. A vet is on staff 24 hours and your dog is never left alone when stable they will want you to go back to your own vet. Sorry if it is too much info I just feel horrible for Misty. I would be in there making a scene by now until they found the problem. Oradell Animail Hospital is also know to be one of the very best. Good luck, I feel for what you are going through.
We have Red Bank Animal Hospital near us. I've heard that they are good also. I'm hoping that I don't have to go that route and the vet (tomorrow) will do the tests, that I want him to do and the problem can be remedied. I am prepared to take her there tomorrow, though, if need be. Thank you for that information.



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