I'm sorry I looked at the link. But it's obviously done for some kind of grooming contests and "Groomer" magazine, not something the general public sees. Looked at from a standpoint of grooming skills & artistry, some of them are pretty amazing...it's just too bad they can't use fake dogs instead of real ones. Tsk tsk!
I agree with Karen...while I hope nobody would do this to their dog as their regular cut & style...it fits into the category of art I guess. Sort of like the CRAZY fashions in real runway fashion shows--stuff nobody would wear in real life but works for the event. I think it's kind of neat to see what they can do...love the camel!
Is this different poodles or the same poodle? Is sort of fascinating in a disturbing way. I know animals don't get "embarassed" like we do but I still feel sorry for them.
Makes the people in Boulder seem sort of insane getting out of joint because a woman dyed her poodle pink with organic beet juice for breast cancer awareness--they're charging her a $1000 fine. Read here for more info:
No harmful chemicals or dyes are used!...You can all relax.....lol.....I think from a creative stand point, the look is incredible!....what talent that must take! It's actually a form of live sculpture!.....as far as the dogs go? Well I've read that they absolutely LOVE being in the spotlight......I'm sure it really sucks to be a poodle though.... all the way around when it comes to grooming.....LOL!