Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
GROSS. Yes we have had dog sprayed by skunks. The formula is on the internet:
1 quart 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup Baking Soda
1 teaspoon liquid soap
(Dawn Dishwashing Detergent is often recommended, but any dish soap will work)
Rubber or latex gloves
Mix in an open container (bucket or bowl); it will be fizzy, a clue that you shouldn't try to mix it or store it in a bottle or other closed container.
Thoroughly wet your dog with warm water and then the solution while it is still bubbline. Knead it well into his coat, to chemically alter every bit of the thiols on his hair. Be careful to keep the formula out if the dog's eyes, nose and mouth; you can use a sponge to carefully wipe it onto his face. Let the solution stand for 10 minutes before rinsing. Follow the bath with a thorough rinse. Be sure to protect the eyes when rinsing the head. Chances are you will not get all of the smell off of the face and will have to live with that as it wears off. You can try Tricotine Liquid Douche Concentrate or any over-the-counter douche.
After bathing, check your dog's eyes. If they are red and watering, your dog may have taken a direct hit in the face. Skunk spray won't blind the dog, but it's very painful. Contact a vet.
Thanks everyone. This was a first for me. It had to be a matter of time. Just last week when she brought a opossum to the back door....someone had said that it could have been worse, it could have been a skunk. Well she didn't get the skunk to the door but she must have tried. She kept sneezing and shaking her head and acting like her mouth was bothering her. She has Skunk breath I tried brushing her teeth hoping that would help a little. She seems to be fine now and her eyes look good. Hopefully she will leave the skunks alone.
OH my, that must have been horrible.
I know this is an old thread but I learned through practice ;) the best way to de-skunk your beloved pooch. Mostly it begins with removing the oil from the skunks spray with dry rags. Have plenty of old washcloths, rags, towels etc. on will be throwing all of these in the trash. Wear old clothes and gloves. DO NOT LET THE DOG IN THE HOUSE OR GARAGE. DO NOT EVEN OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR HOUSE. Remove as much of the oil with these rags, then use your skunk off, douche, or the popular mixture of baking soda, peroxide. AVOID applying water until you are satisfied with removing the skunk oil. The water changes the composition of the skunk oil leading to the lingering ode de skunk...sometimes up to 2 years! I read an article about this one time but cannot locate the information...maybe someone else has seen this information and can direct us. So, because Elli, my lovely re-homed darling has been sprayed 3 times in the past 9 months, (she's only been with us 16 months) I have to have all these supplies on hand. Removing the oil took me an incredibly long time. I used my whole bottle of skunk off, then ended up having to apply the baking soda mixture, then the douche! After bathing, she STILL has a slight odor. I HATE the baking soda peroxide mixture because it bleached her fur, and she is NOT a cream/white dog. They say it's better to bleach than to smell! So, if you don't want your pooches fur bleached, have plenty of other supplies handy. Hope this helps the future skunkers..Pepe Le Pew always strikes at the worst possible time....when you are ready to climb into your nice cozy bed...or early in the morning before you've had a chance to have your first cup of coffee. If anyone else has another remedy, I would love to hear it! Good luck with all your little "stinkers" :)
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