I have noticed for quite a while now, that even fresh out of the bath, Bruce's face always smells really bad. I wash his face regularly, but he continues to smell terrible. I thought for a while that it may be the beard, but even after giving Bruce "poodle face" for reasons unrelated, the odor persists.
any body else have this issue?
UPDATE: I washed his face with a washcloth with some aromatic Almond soap, and I think he smells delicious once again......maybe it was something on his little "beard"? He's been spending a lot of time with a neighbor's dog who is not fixed, a Yorkie, and the Yorkie kept humping Beau to show dominance because we are in his home while his parents are in Vegas. I think I've stopped it now, but it's possible (as indelicate as this is to comprehend) the Yorkie "did his thing" somewhere on Beau and that's what was so stinky.
UPDATE once again: Gave BeauBeau a thorough bath with his oatmeal shampoo and he smells delicious once again! I think the other dog did spray him and that's what was so stinky.
Those of you who responded with face washing tips - what proportion of lemon and water or vinegar and water do you use. I am afraid I will make it too strong.
Our girls face will smell sometimes after she's been chewing on a bone. Especially hambones or beef knuckles. I don't thing the bones smell that great to begin with, but when it's on her face it smells especially bad. Is Bruce chewing on any bones?
Bruce did occasionally enjoy a good rib bone, however he hasn't had one in about a month now....and we would only give them to him occasionally as a special treat.
it seems like it's getting worse every week....
I'm going to try the lemon juice suggestion this weekend to see if it makes any difference. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed!
Ears. It happened to me with Zorro the other day. I didn't smell it bcs I'm used to it but a friend did. It turned out to be dirty ears. I was a bad doggy mama not keeping up. Flush ears with Amways LOC then flush with plain water or saline. You can get those neat bottles for saline at 99 cent store. Empty the saline & fill wi LOC. In between wipe with baby butt wipes. PUppy love from Joy & furry folk
Did you ever figure out the stinky face? Did the lemon/water or vinegar/water wash help? Harlow's beard gets a bit rank itself. It is especially noticable when she decides to put her head on my pillow when I am trying to sleep.