Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Owen picks up everything in his mouth: stones, grass, socks, shoes, carpeting, bricks, branches, sticks, paper napkins, bills, toys, antlers, his bed, Kona's bed, anything and everything he can reach. "Leave it" is our most constant command. (He is systematically ripping up the carpeting in our family room one loop at a time.)


Right after reading about another Doodle that ate 5 or 6 socks. I got up with Owen at 6 am (usual time). He ran outside, peed and had a terrible time pooping. The result was pudding poop. He came right back in and proceeded to vomit his undigested evening meal. He had diarrhea all day yesterday and then again this morning seems to be straining. No more vomit. He is eating every meal. Happy and active.


Do I have to take him to the vet and pay for xrays? What do you think? Thanks.

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Yes. Take him to the vet.  If he has a habit of eating things, I would assume something is lodged inside.
My dog is undergoing surgery as I write this to remove a blockage from something she ate.  She was vomiting and not drinking water at all.  I took her in this afternoon and after xrays and sonogram she's in surgery. When in doubt about anything, go to the vet.
So sorry to hear this. Just saw your post that she is in recovery. I hope she gets well soon.

So scary... I hope everything turns out alright.


I am wondering if most dogs vomit when they have a blockage... our pup (8 months) was just at the vet today because she's straining to poop. She has little bits of liquid coming out, but the doctor said it's most likely colitis (inflamation of the colon). I'm worried it might be a blockage, but he said she'd be vomitiing if that were the case. What are your experiences with symptoms from blockages? I am overly worried (can you tell?!?!)

Owen has been eating and drinking normally, going for walks, wrestling with Kona. Prancing, bouncing, barking, humping. (new fun activity now that my son's female Golden is here for a week).
I just went thru that with Oliver, he was acting fine, playing, eating, drinking but had watery projectile poop for 24 hrs.  I took him to the vet she is treating him for diarreha(sp).  He is doing fine now, he is eating ground turkey and rice.  At first I thought he had a blockage but my vet said if it was a blockage he would vomit first then have the poops.  Oliver is 6 months old and yes he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth too, he also was neutered on 12/23 so he had two things going on.  My vet said the poops was most likely from the meds.  Is Owen's stomach swollen or tender to the touch?   The best thing to do is take him to the vet to be on the safe side.  My doods are ALWAYS getting into something, they cannot even be in the back yard unsupervised !!!! 
Owen is doing great. Thanks for all of your responses. I love this website!



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