I am sure there is a proper place for this but I am not sure where.
I wanted to thank you all so much to whoever sent me a holiday card at the hotel or hospital..... It meant so much to me. For six years I have always run a fan club page and part of what we always did was have a holiday card exchange. It was one of my most favorite things to do.......
Things changed, in a drastic way
this year for the first time I didn't even put doing a holiday card exchange out there. I absolutely love getting cards of doodles.... I am hopelessly in love with dogs but especially doodles.
I can't post pictures from my iPad but I can promise you the massive amount of cards I received from the most amazing doodle community lit up my days..... And they still keep coming in.
Thank you so much to everyone who made this holiday season so doodl filled my heart is full. I can't wait until I am released to go home and see my Jack.