Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I so very much appreciate all of your comforting comments after losing my beautiful Tasha.  I have noticed a number of others who have lost their beautiful doodles in recent months and my heart goes out to them also.  I received a card with a poem last week that all of you I hope will appreciate:

They will not go quietly, the dogs who've shared our lives.

Old habits still make us think we hear a barking at the door.

Or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be,

And, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill,

That one place in our hearts belongs to them...and always will.

I know how much all of you love your furry family and in my heart I think doodles are outstanding in their even tempers, unconditional love, trust, and loyalty.  Have you ever noticed when you are on a walk how doodles always recognize another doodle, a golden retriever or a poodle?  And they always seem thrilled to see each other.  We miss Tasha so very much but we have wonderful memories of time shared with her.  Our house is so very quiet and we miss the excited greeting we always received when we would get home.  Time will help to heal our hearts and we will hold her forever in our heart.  Thanks again for helping. 


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A lovely poem, thanks for sharing. It is funny that you would say doodles seem to recognize each other. Annabelle never pays much attention to other dogs on our walks. She looks like a stuck up pup with her nose in the air, when we pass another dog. About a month ago we passed a mom and young daughter out walking their pup. Annabelle and the other dog stopped to check each other out. Something so out of character for Annabelle, no matter the size. But this dog looked just like her. Come to find out she was a mini goldendoodle just like my dog. It was hard to tear those 2 a way from each other. It was kind of cute, since I have never seen her so interested in another dog before. She loves people, but seems to care less about other dogs. 

Thanks for a beautiful poem.  It is difficult to read these posts because I still miss my last dog who died before my present Zoey.  I try to remember what joy he brought to me and cherish my time with my new girl.  My heart goes out to you.

What a lovely poem.  I feel doodles do recognize and are partial to a kindred spirit. My Springer never gravitated to other Springers.  I am so sorry about Tasha, but I can tell that your memories give you comfort. 

This is beautiful and I'm so sorry for your loss.



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