Riley and his Family Need You...As Soon As Possible
The Holidays of Christmas and Hannukah call us to give to one another.
Riley, on The Doodle Messenger, has survived several critical operations
on his elbows, he has been through water therapy and chiropractic, and
now needs special which can be made to fit his front legs.
So many of you have helped us during the last three years, now we
have a special holiday mission. We need to get Riley and his Mom to
Toronto and have the braces made and fitted. Five or ten dollars, or any
amount you can give will help. Our friend from Oodles of Doodles,
Lynne Fowler, will act again as our Paypal friend at
Plus, if you want to donate by check, send to Santa G. made out to
The Doodle Messenger, at (Susan Salzer's addy will not come up
for me) . We will get that address to you, just leave a message here or
private message.
Think of your own Doodle in braces, think of how your donation
will help Riley and his Mom make this new stage of his life easier.
And remember also, "Some heroes don't wear capes, they wear
Thank you for all of your help and kindness on behalf of
those doodles who have or do love us. Any amount you donate
will go, in this case with an immediate need, to Riley. In the
unlikely event there is an overage, the remainder will be split
among the other Doodles in Need on YOUR Doodle Messenger!
Best of the Holidays from your Elf friendly Board of the Messenger.
And, a special thank you to PetPlan Insurance Co. for their continued
monthly to our Doods in Need!