Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I can't put this on Facebook because it's not my news, but I'm so excited! Cousin Riley is here staying with me and the girls while her mom and dad are off having a 2-legged baby! It will be my newest nephew and I am very excited! The girls are alternating between kissing her and growling at her, but really they're getting along very well. It always fascinates me how different dog breeds really are. Riley weighs as much as Ava, and she's taller than Ava, but she's so skinny and she does not look like a 60 pound dog. She's also super slobber face and that short hair makes me a little itchy. But she's a real sweetheart and I am very much a more the merrier kind of person so it's nice to have another dog around. This really is a very tiny little house though. It's a good reminder that three might feel a little crowded if it was permanent (aka Ava isn't sharing her spot on the couch.) But mostly I'm just excited for a new nephew!



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Riley certainly has a kissable nose, lol! Congratulations on your new nephew! 

She does have a kissable nose! She's only 15 months and she's a real sweetheart. My brother wanted a hunting dog. I tried to talk him into something with a little less energy, but they've done a really nice job with her. But seeing her just bound around the yard, I don't know what I would do with all that energy! I would need to take up running or something - ugh. 

Thank you! I really wanted a girl so I could do nails and tutus, but little boys are so sweet. She was due on the 17th. I wish he would just get here already! I am not the most patient person in the world!

I promise you that his mother wishes he would hurry up and get here even more than you do, lol! 

I am quite sure you're right about that! I just want to know his name! He's been going by "New Baby" and Cowboy for 9 months. And they either haven't decided on a name or aren't telling... 

Awwe, cute puppy and congratulations on your new nephew. My daughter has one of each and her 4 year old son loves nail polish, though I'm sure that will change at some point. But when they come to my house for sleepovers, they both get their nails done. I am an equal opportunity grandma. 

Thanks! I'm still really excited, but there's still no new baby. He sure is taking his sweet time about it. Maybe I should just paint his toenails and ask my brother's permission later!

Stacy, Congratulations to you and  your family!!!  Your visitor is a cutie. Three can get a little crowded.

Thank you! Yes, it is a little crowded. And the girls aren't all that impressed with someone else trying to sit on my lap. Sometimes I forget how well my girls get along with one another. All it takes is a little growly face to make me so glad that they play nicely together.

Ha ha Nancy...what exactly are you saying?  You are funny!  It can be fun to have another pooch around for awhile, kinda like the spoil them and send em back! 

Absolutely!  When we dog sit our grand dogs, we are very glad to see them go - as much as we enjoyed their visit.  Actually what I was thinking was how crowded our RV gets  with our three and thennnnnn when the kids show up WITH their dogs.  A couple of weeks ago we were camping with Ned, Clancy and Charlie when my son and his wife and 4 kids showed up WITH their poodle.  Four adults, four kids, four dogs all crowded into a 34' RV.!  :-}

I think I'm jinxed! The baby had to stay in the hospital for a little while longer than expected (coming home tomorrow, happy and healthy, woot!) So Riley is still here with me and the girls.  I worked yesterday, so I came home ready to feed everyone, play for a few minutes, and go to bed. On our last trip outside Riley managed to be a total doof and she knocked a glass candle holder off the plant stand. I think it fell on her as it shattered,  and she ended up with a 1" laceration to the back of her leg. So instead of going to bed I spent 2 1/2 hours and $300 at the emergency vet getting 4 sutures placed in a dog that isn't even mine! I really think the emergency vet should name a wing after us. 

She's completely fine. She never even seemed to notice her injury. But she's supposed to have supervised on leash outside time for the next 2 weeks. Has anyone ever tried to keep a german shorthair on restricted activity? I think her only speeds are crazy and asleep. My fear now is that since I broke her, I'm going to have to keep her here with me for the next 2 weeks. It seems mean to send back a dog who needs special attention with a new baby. No 'go out and entertain yourself' right now. 

Oh, and did I mention that one day she decided she wanted a dog door so she jumped through the screen in the porch? Because, why not? 

I love her. She's a sweet girl. She's driving me crazy. But she is an extra good snuggler. I just don't think I live a lifestyle that is right for this breed. Running 10 miles a day just isn't my thing.

Oh my! Never a dull moment! I hope Riley's leg heals quickly. 

Not the right breed for me, either. In his younger days, I could barely provide enough exercise for my 50% Lab here.

But he did walk through my screen door once. :D 



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