Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Update: I've started my own blog about this. If anyone is interested in following it here is the link: 

I've been wanting to start a blog of my own, so now here's my chance. I will be writing about my experiences as I sort through my stuff (both physical and emotional), and what it means to me to chuck it. My first post is up. I hope you enjoy it!




I've been desperately feeling the weight of my clutter lately, and have been searching for ways to freshen up my life.


So, in an effort to change things up I recently bought some new sofas, and threw out my older ones (my beloved Big Red and Little Red). I have a tendancy to get attached to physical belongings and often even name things I get attached to (my new car is named Roxy and I haven't even picked it up yet). Well, finally letting to of Big and Little Red felt good, like a wight had lifted. Looking around my apartment I realize my summer house guest is right, I have TOO MUCH Clutter! It's time to get busy.


I was passing by the local bookshop and felt compelled to stop in yesterday. There on the shelf, staring me down, was a book called "Throw Out Fifty Things" by Gail Blanke. I snapped it up, and read through the introduction and chapter one over a beer yesterady after work. I am fully hooked and inspired. She has a website: where you can download worksheets and report your progress. I might even blog about this. Letting go of the old clutter, both physical and emotional, will open up your life to receive new and exciting things.


The Author's mantra is "If you want to grow, let it go".


So, does anyone want to grow with me? Let's throw stuff out together!

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that's a great idea. maybe we can have doodle kisses auctions and auction our stuff off for DRC. :-) I'm not sure I have anything anyone would want, except maybe the gentle leader that I bought and we never used. I've been meaning to find someone who wants it...
Hey I have the exact thing never used. I finally sold my easywalk harness yesterday on craigslist!
craigslist and kijiji? you cold also look for a local consignment shop, that way you get it out of your house now and don't have it sitting around while you wait for a buyer.
That is where the Estate Sale came in.  We hired a guy who does this and knows how to price the valuables.  He even takes all the sterling and weighs it, studies it and prices it at today's prices.  He has a mailing list of people who are "collectors" and not ones that just melt the stuff down.  They are invited the first day to a private sale and that is where 80% of the stuff gets sold.  There was an old silver tray that was all scratched up (even after I polished it) and it looked worthless to me...he sold it for $450.00!!!  My mother also had a lot of Studio 56, Irish Beleek china and then her sterling silver.  Those were the only things of value in her house.  Interesting enough, the old family china and crystal stemware doesn't sell.  The consignment shops don't want it either.  So between the Estate Sale and consignment shops we were able to sell anything of value.  We did let my mother's three caregivers take a lot of the furniture and kitchen ware.  After all, they had been with her for 5 years and did a wonderful job taking care of a very difficult woman!

Nancie, I've heard the people who run the sales get 40% of the profits. Was that true for you?


Yep but for all that is going on right now that was a deal for us.  With the time, effort and lack of knowledge on prices going against us this was well worth it.  We never would have known how to price anything and would have ended up selling everything at a far less price than the 60% that we DID receive.  We did try the consignment shop first but many of the collectibles and stuff were rejected.  The market is not there for many of those things any more and we needed to move on so we could sell the house (which is a disaster!!).  The guy we hired is a retired police officer and he did a great job.  I still have two Mink Jackets...those NO ONE wants!!  I haven't a clue what to do with them.  I am thinking some Doodle might like a very cozy cover over their bed to snuggle in!!!  Unfortunately Gracie does not sleep snuggled into blankets...she is always hot!  ha ha
My grandma left a mink coat for my mom, which sat in the closet for the last 15 years. Now my dad has no idea what to do with it. Let me know if you figure something out. I know I certainly don't want it. Would it be weird to give  a mink coat to the homeless shelter?
We had Teddy Bears made out of my Grandmothers mink coat.  Or maybe you could make a pillow out it.
love that idea, Tina!
Oh my do I need to do major tossing of stuff.  I miss the days when I was just out of college, lived with a roommate and owned hardly anything.  When I felt compelled to LOOK for things with which to decorate my empty house.  I'm a terrible organizer so as soon as I gain things...I gain clutter.

To all you tossers and declutterers, I wish I lived near any of you on trash day, that being said I hope that when you say toss you mean DONATE. Remember one mans trash is another mans treasure.

Forage on Ladies! Have Fun!

We usually take anything that isn't 'trash' to various Goodwill-like places.  I keep thinking about having a yard sale but yard sales require some early wake ups and BEING available all day long.  Just can't swing that right now.  Need to convince a friend to host a yard sale ;)



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