Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Despite monthly applications of Frontline, I have picked about 5 ticks, small, active, crawling ones, from my dogs fur since yesterday. Somehow, here in NJ I find this is often the worst time of year for ticks. This is despite the fact that no deer can actually come on my property in the area where the dogs roam. So I wondering again, if anyone has found a more effective product. I guess I mean one that actually repels ticks, not only kills them after they've attached.  I may try the Ceadarcid again even though I don't like the smell..

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I wasn't going to post these but since you did Kyoko here are mine. I really wish I could find the posting with graphic pictures of a doodle who had an allergic reaction to Frontline about 18 months ago :( Here goes: Anyone else having problems with Frontline? There are 10 more pages besides these


too feisty tonight :)
I'm Knit Pickin' :)
I use Burt's Bees Herbal Insect Repellent. Each time before they leave the apartment for their walk, I spray some in my palms and apply onto their coat, on their belly, between their paw pads, on their faces, and behind their ears.

Where we live (tropics, humid and warm almost all year round) is a perfect breeding ground for ticks (fleas infestation isn't that much of an issue here, strangely). So on top of their monthly Frontline Plus spot-on application, we use Burt's Bees daily. So far, so good, until we got a little complacent and skipped the BB's that was when we got a few ticks being brought back home.
This is very interesting.Will look for it. Thanks.

"" Oh No... It's F. PARKER.... RUN
Ugh...we've been battling ticks all summer. I thought it was over but this week I've started finding them again. My dogs are on Revolution and it's useless on ticks. I have heard great things about a tick collar but with a puppy who jumps and bites the big dog's collar the chemicals could be harmful. There is a flea/tick dip that is effective but I used it all up and the new dip seems much weaker and less effective.
K9 Advantix is the only thing that I have found to work well on ticks. My dogs haven't had one since I have used it on them and TN is terrible for ticks....
Good to know!



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