Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's Limerick Time.

For those who just can't wait to rhyme
Thank goodness it's Limerick time
You may be a poet
And not even know it
So let's see those poems sublime

Last year I had a little idea that quickly grew into the War of the Limericks. It seems that Lauricki some folks have been waiting a whole year to do it again.

A Limerick is a kind of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem especially one in five-line form with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. We'll skip the obscene and just go for the humour. The Limericks may be on any topic you choose.

There once was a bunch on DK
Who sat at their computer all day
Their house was a mess
And they seldom got dressed
When there was a fun game to play


Let the games begin!!


My St. Patrick's Day wish for you.






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Donna, I have to watch Person of Interest and The time to think tonight, but I will be back tomorrow :)

Get a DVR : ) You save so much time.

F Parker, I would certainly like a DVR

But lately all my money is going to my car

I would like a new van

I will take it in tan

Buy it for me and you would be my star

Sorry Laurie that you ask in vain

To say no to you gives me much pain

But my Cary is old

If truth shall be told

Two cars my budget would strain


I thought you'd have more sympathy for your brother

and want to help out one way or the other

I am sad that you said no

because now I will go

around town breaking down, yelling,  "you mother."   (this is to my car, not to you..LOL)

HA!! Really I do not support my sons but poetic justice is sometimes called for.

I love both you and my bro

But there's a limit you know

2 doodles, 2 sons

Require money, yes tons

So gotta keep an eye on cash flow.

We'll be expecting great things. I just surfed by Person of Interest, I've never actually watched it.

It is addictive. I haven't started it yet tonight.

It is really good tonight :)

It is my new favorite show :)

Just had to pop in for a quickie!! LOL!  Donna you know my weakness-I can't resist a limerick game!

There's a lovely woman we all know

Who thinks Science is the only way to go

If you don't have the proof

It's nothing but spoof

And you'll be hokumed from your head to your toe

Love it.



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