Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It's Limerick Time.

For those who just can't wait to rhyme
Thank goodness it's Limerick time
You may be a poet
And not even know it
So let's see those poems sublime

Last year I had a little idea that quickly grew into the War of the Limericks. It seems that Lauricki some folks have been waiting a whole year to do it again.

A Limerick is a kind of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem especially one in five-line form with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent. We'll skip the obscene and just go for the humour. The Limericks may be on any topic you choose.

There once was a bunch on DK
Who sat at their computer all day
Their house was a mess
And they seldom got dressed
When there was a fun game to play


Let the games begin!!


My St. Patrick's Day wish for you.






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I would be afraid to drive too fast

I am racking up points, which can't last

Driving school could be in my future

My head is splitting, I need a suture

However, a paid dinner out seems like a blast

We could patch up your head

And offer a bed

I do wish you could get here

We'd help Vern with his fear

But I see those points could bring dread.

Are you having as much problems as I am to stop rhyming? LOL

Yes and my bladder is full and my stomach is empty. TMIIK BBL : )

Laurie where ever you are

You should not be driving a car

At the least ride your bike

Or go take a hike

To get plastered at the nearest bar



Uh oh.

I have a beautiful doodle named Bailey

She has a "well rounded" trainer named Wally

And he says to practice twice daily

He thinks she can do it

If we put our minds to it

She's gonna peak and not be in the valley......






Go Elizabeth!! Good one!

You go, Elizabeth :)

There was a sweet lady named Donna

But retaliate I think she is gonna

Laurie's rep may be toast

Or her parts served as roast

To be her I wouldn't wanna

LOL!!!    Perfectly stated F!

Love this one, I think :) Where is my BFF, Donna?



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