Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our 7 month puppy Bailey destroys almost all the stuffed toys. She chews holes in them and then pulls out the stuffing. The non-stuffing toys she chews holes & then takes out the squeaker. I have tried all differnt types & brands. The rope ones she eventually chew's the strings loose. The hard rubber toys she evetually pulls of chucks. I have tried Kong toys as well.

This is our 2nd dog. Bindi hardly ever detroyed toys. We have had the stuffed animals for almost 3 years.

Does any have any ideas?



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That is what we got for Myla - She especially loves the "Tizzi" dog one of West Paw Toys - it's like a body with two legs - she loves having her paws on one part and chew on the other - we have had this one for two months and it still looks brand new and she always picks it out of her "toy box"  -  other than that, we bought her some cute animal toys that had a squeaky ball inside - she immediately got rid of the cute animal part (with stuffing) and now she loves the squeaky ball that was inside - we have a couple!  She will demolish any stuffy immediately but the West Paw toys she loves!!!

Mine all play with heavy balls that are too big to pick up.They just push them around.I did get those extra large tennis balls. Shea will try to tear the yellow outside off. They love the marrow bones.They will pitch them up in the air and roll them. They love em...

My friend swears by these and they are guaranteed.  She said she just mails it back and a new one comes

She uses them for her giant schnauzer and everything else has failed.  They come in different shapes too which is nice.





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